** Index of Fantom documentation.
const class Index {
    private  const Spelling         spelling    := Spelling()
    internal const Str:Section[]    sections
    internal const Str:Int          counts
    internal new make(|This| f) { f(this) }

    ** Seek the wisdom of the floating fantasm.
    Section[] askFanny(Str? keyword) {
        if (keyword?.trimToNull == null)
            return Section#.emptyList
        if (keyword.contains(" "))
            throw ArgErr("Keyword may not contain whitespace! $keyword")
        keyword = keyword.lower
        secs    := (Section[]) (sections[keyword] ?: Section[,]).rw
        stemmed := SectionBuilder.stem(keyword)
        if (stemmed != keyword)
            secs.addAll(sections[stemmed] ?: Section#.emptyList)

        sortScore := |Section s->Int| { (s.parents.size * 2) + s.keywords.size + (s.what.isApi ? 10 : 0) }
        secs = |s1, s2| { sortScore(s1) <=> sortScore(s2) }
        return secs
    Str[] didYouMean(Str? keyword) {
        if (keyword == null)
            return Str#.emptyList

        maybes := spelling.corrections(counts, keyword)     
        if (maybes.size == 1 && maybes.first == keyword)
            return maybes.clear

        stemmed := SectionBuilder.stem(keyword)
        maybes2 := spelling.corrections(counts, stemmed)
        if (maybes2.size == 1 && maybes.first == keyword)
            return maybes2.clear
        maybes = maybes.addAll(maybes2).unique
        if (maybes.size > 5)
            maybes.size = 5
        return maybes