using fandoc
using compilerDoc

** Indexes documents and pods to create an 'Index' instrance.
class IndexBuilder {
//  private static const Str[] corePodNames := "docIntro docLang docFanr docTools docDomkit build compiler compilerDoc compilerJava compilerJs concurrent dom domkit email fandoc fanr fansh flux fluxText fwt gfx icons inet obix sql syntax sys testCompiler testJava testNative testSys util web webfwt webmod wisp xml".split
    private static const Str[] corePodNames := "docIntro docLang docTools docDomkit concurrent dom domkit email fandoc fwt gfx inet sys util web webfwt webmod wisp xml".split

    private DocEnv docEnv   := DefaultDocEnv()
    Section[]   sections    := Section[,]
    ** Builds an 'Index' instance from the indexed documents.
    Index build() {
        allKeywords := { it.keywords }.flatten

        counts := Str:Int[:] { def = 0 }
        allKeywords.each |word| { counts[word] += 1 }
        keywords := counts.keys.sort
        sections := Str:Section[][:]
        keywords.each |keyword| {
            sections[keyword] = this.sections.findAll { it.containsKeyword(keyword) }
        return Index {
            it.sections = sections 
            it.counts   = counts

    ** Indexes all pods in the current Fantom installation.
    This indexAllPods() {
        Env.cur.findAllPodNames.each { indexPod(it) }
        return this

    ** Indexes a subset of core pods from the standard Fantom installation;
    ** including 'sys' and all reference documentation. 
    This indexCorePods() {
        corePodNames.each { indexPod(it) }
        return this
    ** Indexes the contents of a pod, including:
    **  - all documented types - '<pod>/doc/*.apidoc'
    **  - all fandocs - '<pod>/doc/*.fandoc'
    This indexPod(Str podName) {
        podFile := Env.cur.findPodFile(podName)
        if (podFile == null) return this    // todo make this checked??

        docPod  := DocPod.load(docEnv, podFile)
        podSec  := SectionBuilder(docPod)

        indexDocs(podName, podSec)
        indexTypes(docPod, podSec)
        // wait until any Overview sections have been added
        return this

    ** Indexes a single fandoc file. Useful for adhoc documents.
    This indexFandoc(Str pod, Str type, InStream in) {
        doIndexFandoc(pod, type, in, null, null).map { it.toSection }
        return this

    private Void indexTypes(DocPod docPod, SectionBuilder podSec) {
        docPod.types.each |DocType type| {
            typeSec  := SectionBuilder.makeType(type) { it.parents.push(podSec) }

            secs := (SectionBuilder[]) {
            secs.each { it.parents.push(typeSec).push(podSec) }

            sections.addAll( { it.toSection })
    private Void indexDocs(Str podName, SectionBuilder podSec) {
        podFile := Env.cur.findPodFile(podName)
        zip     :=
        index   := zip.contents[`/doc/index.fog`]
        files   := null as File[] 
        if (index != null) {
            fog := index.readObj as Obj[]
            names := { it is List ? (it as List).first : null }.exclude { it == null }
            files = |con| { zip.contents.find |v, k| { k ==`/doc/${con}.fandoc` } }.exclude { it == null }    // exclude null incase we have a dodgy index.fog with unkown file names
        } else
            files = zip.contents.findAll |file, uri| { uri.ext == "fandoc" && uri.path[0] == "doc" }.vals
        files.each |File fandocFile, i| {
            idx := index != null ? i+1 : null

            typeSec  := == "pod.fandoc"
                ? podSec
                : SectionBuilder.makeChapter(podName, fandocFile.basename, idx) { it.parents.push(podSec) }

            secs := doIndexFandoc(podName, fandocFile.basename,, typeSec, idx)
            secs.each {
                if (typeSec !== podSec)

            if (typeSec != podSec)
            sections.addAll( { it.toSection })

    private SectionBuilder[] doIndexFandoc(Str pod, Str type, InStream in, SectionBuilder? parent, Int? idx) {
        doc := FandocParser().parse("${pod}::${type}", in, true)
        overview := false
        bobs := SectionBuilder[,]
        // for now, ignore headings that are buried in lists
        doc.children.each |elem| {
            if (elem is Heading) {
                if (parent != null && bobs.isEmpty && (elem as Heading).title == "Overview")
                    overview = true
                    bobs.add(SectionBuilder.makeDoc(pod, type, elem, bobs, overview, idx))
            } else {
                // ? 'cos not all fandocs start with a heading!
                if (bobs.isEmpty)
        return bobs