using fandoc::Link
using fandoc::HtmlDocWriter
using fandoc::FandocParser

** A search result.
const class Section {
    ** What the Section is. 
    const SectionType   what
    ** Name of the (containing) pod.
    const Str       pod
    ** Name of the (containing) chapter / type.
    const Str?      type
    ** Display name.
    const Str       title
    ** Fandoc content.
    const Str       content
    ** List of keywords this Section is indexed under.
    const Str[]     keywords
    ** The fantom qname of this Section.
    const Str       qname
    ** A hierarchy of parents.
    const Section[] parents

    ** Standard it-block ctor.
    new make(|This| f) {
        // TODO add acronyms
        keywords = { it.lower }

    internal Bool containsKeyword(Str keyword) {

    ** Renders the section to pretty plain text, wrapping at the given 'maxWidth'.
    Str toPlainText(Int maxWidth := 80) {
        lev := 0
        text := "\n\n(${what})\n${resolve(qname)}\n\n"
        parents.dup.insert(0, this).eachr {
            text += "".justl(lev * 2)
            text += "${it.title}\n"; lev++
        text += "\n" + content
        return "\n\n" + TextWrapper { normaliseWhitespace = false }.wrap(text, maxWidth)
    ** Returns the fandoc content as HTML, resolving links to the given 'baseUrl'. 
    Str contentAsHtml(Uri baseUrl := ``) {
        buf := Buf()
        out := HtmlDocWriter(buf.out)
        out.onLink = |Link link| {
            link.uri = resolve(link.uri, baseUrl).encode

        doc := FandocParser().parse(qname,
        return buf.flip.readAllStr
    ** Resolves this Section's 'qname' to a web URL.
    Uri webUrl() {
    ** Resolves the given 'qname' to a web URL. Returns 'qname.toUri' if it doesn't look like a qname.
    Uri resolve(Str qname, Uri baseUrl := ``) {
        cols := qname.split(':').exclude { it.isEmpty }.map { it.split('.') } { it.toStr.split('#') }.flatten
        if (!qname.contains("::"))
            cols.insert(0, pod)
        if (cols.size == 1)
            return `${baseUrl}${cols[0]}/index`
        if (cols.size == 2)
            return `${baseUrl}${cols[0]}/${cols[1]}` 
        if (cols.size == 3)
            return `${baseUrl}${cols[0]}/${cols[1]}#${cols[2]}` 
        return qname.toUri
    override Str toStr() { qname }

** The type of Section.
enum class SectionType {
    pod, type, field, method, chapter, documentation;
    ** Convenience for 'name.toDisplayName'.
    Str dis() {
    ** Returns 'true' if 'type', 'field', or 'method'.
    Bool isApi() {
        this == type || this == field || this == method 
    ** Returns 'true' if 'field' or 'method'.
    Bool isSlot() {
        this == field || this == method
    ** Returns 'true' if 'pod', 'chapter' or 'documentation'.
    Bool isDoc() {
        this == pod || this == chapter || this == documentation