AtomUser Guide

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Overview [#overview]
*'Atom' is a support library that aids Alien-Factory in the development of libraries, frameworks and applications.
Though you are welcome to use it, you may find features are missing and the documentation incomplete.*

'Atom' is a library for creating Atom (RSS) Feed Documents.

The [Atom Syndication Format]``, or Atom for short, is the technically advanced successor to [RSS v2.0]``.
This 'Atom' library provides a collection of entities that let you compose an Atom Feed Document and serialise it to XML.

'Atom' is an implementation of the [The Atom Syndication Format]``.
See []`` for a more human readable version.

Install [#Install]
Install 'Atom' with the Fantom Repository Manager ( [fanr]`` ):

  $ fanr install -r afAtom

To use in a [Fantom]`` project, add a dependency to '':

  depends = ["sys 1.0", ..., "afAtom 0+"]

Quick Start [#quickStart]
1). Create a text file called '':
using afAtom

class Example {
    Void main() {

        // create a feed...
        feed := Feed(`example:feed`, Text("Fantom Feed"),
        feed.links.add(Link(``, "alternate") {
            it.title = "Fantom-Factory"
            it.type  = MimeType("application/xhtml+xml")

        // add entries...
        text  := "<p>Visit the <b>Atom</b> homepage to find out moar!</p>"
        entry := Entry(`example:afAtom:`, Text("Atom Released!"),
        entry.content = Content(text, TextType.html)

        // convert to XML...
        atomXml := feed.toXml.writeToStr

2). Run '' as a Fantom script from the command line:
C:\> fan

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<feed xmlns=''>
 <title type='text'>Fantom Feed</title>
 <link href='' rel='alternate' type='application/xhtml+xml' title='Fantom-Factory'/>
  <title type='text'>Atom Released!</title>
  <content type='html'>&lt;p>Visit the &lt;b>Atom&lt;/b> homepage to find out moar!&lt;/p></content>

BedSheet Integration [#bedSheet]
To serve an Atom feed with [BedSheet]`` first add a 'Route' to your 'AppModule' that configures the feed URI and the request handler:

using afIoc
using afBedSheet

class AppModule {

    @Contribute { serviceType=Routes# }
    static Void contributeRoutes(OrderedConfig config) {
        config.add(Route(`/feeds/atom.xml`, AtomFeed#generate))

Then create the request handler that generates the Atom feed:

using afAtom
using afBedSheet::Text as BsText

class AtomFeedGenerator {
    BsText generate() {
        feed := Feed(`example:feed`, Text("Example Feed"),

        // add feed metadata and entries...
        feed.entries.add(Entry(`example:entry:`, Text("Example Entry"),

        // serialise to XML and return as a BedSheet Text response object
        return BsText.fromMimeType(feed.toXml.writeToStr, MimeType("application/atom+xml"))

Note that Atom feeds should be served with the 'application/atom+xml' mime type.

Auto-Discovery [autoDiscovery]
Some browsers, such as [Firefox]``, automatically know when a site has an Atom or RSS feed and contain features to easily let you subscribe.
To enable this, you need to add a bit of HTML to your web page:

    <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Feed Title" href="/feeds/atom.xml">

If you have multiple feeds, then you may have multiple 'link' elements.

Note that in HTML the 'link' element is a [Void Element]`` and has no closing tag.

This old article in the WHATWG Blog on [Feed Autodiscovery]`` talks of a new standard where 'feed' is used for the link 'rel' attribute.
But its absence in the HTML5 specification on [Link types]`` suggests it never took off.
Also [Section Link type "alternate"]`` specifically says 'alternate' should be used for Atom and RSS feeds.

Release Notes [#releaseNotes]

v1.0.0 [#v1.0.0]
 - New: Initial release.