using xml

** Conveys information about a category associated with an `Entry` or `Feed`.
** The [atom:category]`` Element
class Category {
    ** *(Required)* 
    ** Identifies the category.
    Str     term
    ** *(Optional)*
    ** Identifies the categorization scheme via a URI.
    Uri?    scheme
    ** *(Optional)*
    ** Provides a human-readable label for display.
    Str?    label

    ** Creates a 'Category' with the required fields.
    new make(Str term) {
        this.term = term
    ** Creates a '<category>' element.
    virtual XElem toXml() {
        category := XElem("category")
        category.addAttr("term", term)
        if (scheme != null)
            category.addAttr("scheme", scheme.toStr)

        if (label != null)
            category.addAttr("label", label)
        return category