** Static methods for creating Fantom objects. Don't 'make()' your beans, 'build()' them instead!
@Js mixin BeanBuilder {
** Creates an instance of the given type, using the most appropriate ctor for the given args.
** Ctors with *it-blocks* are always favoured over ctors without.
static Obj? build(Type type, [Field:Obj?]? fieldVals := null, Obj?[]? ctorArgs := null) {
// BeanFactory.doCreate() is a lot more succinct, but creates a LOT more classes!
if (type.toNonNullable == Obj#)
throw Err("Can not create an instance of sys::Obj")
// check the basics
if ((fieldVals == null || fieldVals.isEmpty) && (ctorArgs == null || ctorArgs.isEmpty)) {
// we're being asked to "build" an instance, not find a defVal - so let's look for a ctor
ctors := ReflectUtils.findCtors(type, Type#.emptyList, true)
if (ctors.size == 1)
return ctors.first.call
// if no def-ctor, try an empty it-block
itBlockFunc := Field.makeSetFunc([:])
ctors = ReflectUtils.findCtors(type, [itBlockFunc.typeof], true)
if (ctors.size == 1)
return ctors.first.call(itBlockFunc)
// okay, last ditch attempt - look for a defVal to make Lists, etc...
return defVal(type)
// with const types - everything must be set via the ctor
if (type.isConst) {
// with field types, there must be an it-block at the end
if (fieldVals != null && fieldVals.size > 0) {
// guard against adding it-blocks to Int[]
if (ctorArgs == null) ctorArgs = List.makeObj(1)
else ctorArgs = List.makeObj(ctorArgs.size + 1).addAll(ctorArgs)
itBlockFunc := Field.makeSetFunc(fieldVals.toImmutable) // note the .toImmutable()
// with no field types, just look for a matching ctor
argTypes := ctorArgs.map { it?.typeof }
ctors := ReflectUtils.findCtors(type, argTypes, true)
if (ctors.size == 0) throw Err(msg_noCtorFound(type, argTypes))
if (ctors.size > 1) throw Err(msg_tooManyCtorsFound(type, ctors.map { it.name }, argTypes))
return ctors.first.callList(ctorArgs)
// with non-const types - fields *may* be set after construction
if (fieldVals == null || fieldVals.isEmpty) {
// no field types - so back to basic ctor matching
// we have ctor args - so we MUST use them
argTypes := ctorArgs.map { it?.typeof }
ctors := ReflectUtils.findCtors(type, argTypes, true)
if (ctors.size == 0) throw Err(msg_noCtorFound(type, argTypes))
if (ctors.size > 1) throw Err(msg_tooManyCtorsFound(type, ctors.map { it.name }, argTypes))
return ctors.first.callList(ctorArgs)
// we HAVE field vals - so *try* to tag them into an it-block
itBlockFunc := Field.makeSetFunc(fieldVals)
if (ctorArgs == null || ctorArgs.isEmpty) {
// look for basic it-block
argTypes := [itBlockFunc.typeof]
ctors := ReflectUtils.findCtors(type, argTypes, true)
if (ctors.size == 1)
return ctors.first.call(itBlockFunc)
obj := defVal(type) // it is fine to call defVal here - 'cos we've already looked for an it-block ctor
fieldVals.each |val, field| { field.set(obj, val) }
return obj
// guard against adding it-blocks to Int[]
ctorArgs = List.makeObj(ctorArgs.size + 1).addAll(ctorArgs)
// we have ctor args - so we MUST use them
// try first with it-block
argTypes := ctorArgs.map { it?.typeof }
ctors := ReflectUtils.findCtors(type, argTypes, true)
if (ctors.size == 1)
return ctors.first.callList(ctorArgs)
// if not, do it the hard way
ctors = ReflectUtils.findCtors(type, argTypes, true)
if (ctors.size == 0) throw Err(msg_noCtorFound(type, argTypes))
if (ctors.size > 1) throw Err(msg_tooManyCtorsFound(type, ctors.map { it.name }, argTypes))
obj := ctors.first.callList(ctorArgs)
fieldVals.each |val, field| { field.set(obj, val) }
return obj
private static Str msg_noCtorFound(Type type, Type?[] argTypes) {
"Could not find a ctor on ${type.qname} to match argument types - ${argTypes}".replace("sys::", "")
private static Str msg_tooManyCtorsFound(Type type, Str[] ctorNames, Type?[] argTypes) {
"Found more than 1 ctor on ${type.qname} ${ctorNames} that match argument types - ${argTypes}".replace("sys::", "")
** Returns a default value for the given type.
** Use as a replacement for [Type.make()]`sys::Type.make`.
** Returned objects are *not* guaranteed to be immutable.
** Call 'toImmutable()' on returned object if you need 'const' Lists and Maps.
** The default type is determined by the following algorithm:
** 1. If the type is nullable (and 'allowNull == true') return 'null'
** 1. If the type is a Map, an empty map is returned
** 1. If the type is a List, an empty list is returned (with zero capacity)
** 1. If one exists, a public no-args ctor is called to create the object
** 1. If it exists, the value of the type's 'defVal' slot is returned
** (must be a static field or method with zero params)
** 1. 'ArgErr' is thrown
** This method differs from [Type.make()]`sys::Type.make` for the following reasons:
** - 'null' is returned if type is nullable.
** - Can create Lists and Maps
** - The public no-args ctor can be called *anything*.
static Obj? defVal(Type type, Bool allowNull := true) {
if (type.isNullable && allowNull)
return null
if (type.qname == "sys::List") {
valType := type.params["V"] ?: Obj?#
list := valType.emptyList.rw
list.capacity = 0
return list
if (type.qname == "sys::Map") {
mapType := type.isGeneric ? Obj:Obj?# : type
return Map(mapType.toNonNullable)
ctors := ReflectUtils.findCtors(type, Type#.emptyList)
if (ctors.size == 1 && ctors.first.isPublic)
return ctors.first.call
defValField := ReflectUtils.findField(type, "defVal", null, true)
if (defValField != null && defValField.isPublic)
return defValField.get
defValMethod := ReflectUtils.findMethod(type, "defVal", Type#.emptyList, true)
if (defValMethod != null && defValMethod.isPublic)
return defValMethod.call
throw ArgErr("Could not find a defVal for ${type.signature}".replace("sys::", ""))