using afEfanXtra::EfanComponent
using afEfanXtra::EfanTemplate
using afEfanXtra::InitRender

** (efan component) Displays the source code tree.
const mixin FileTree : EfanComponent {
    Str link(Uri file) {
        """<a href="/src/${file}">${}</a>"""

** (efan component) Displays a simple footer. 
const mixin Footer : EfanComponent { }

** (efan component) A simple page layout component.
const mixin Layout : EfanComponent {
    abstract Str? pageTitle

    Void init(Str pageTitle) {
        this.pageTitle = pageTitle

** (efan component) Renders the 'pod.fandoc'.
@EfanTemplate { uri=`doc/pod.fandoc`}
const mixin Overview : EfanComponent { }