using util::AbstractMain
using util::Arg
using util::Opt

** Runs a BedSheet web application (Bed App) from the command line.
** pre>
**   C:\> fan afBedSheet [-env <env>] [-proxy] [-noTransDeps] <appModule> <port>
** <pre
** Where:
**   table:
**   Option        Description
**   ------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------
**   env           (optional) The environment to start BedSheet in -> dev|test|prod
**   proxy         (optional) Starts a dev proxy on <port> and launches the real web app on (<port> + 1)
**   watchAllPods  (optional) Have the proxy monitor the timestamps of all pods, not just the direct dependencies of the application
**   noTransDeps   (optional) Do not load transitive dependencies of IoC modules
**   appModule     The qname of the AppModule or pod which configures the BedSheet web app
**   port          The HTTP port to run the Bed App on
** Example:
**   C:\> fan afBedSheet -env DEV -proxy acme::AppModule 8069
class Main : AbstractMain {

    @Opt { help="Starts a dev proxy on <port> and launches the real web app on (<port> + 1)" }
    private Bool proxy

    @Opt { help="Do not load transitive dependencies of IoC modules" }
    private Bool noTransDeps

    @Opt { help="Have the proxy monitor the timestamps of all pods, not just the direct dependencies of the application" }
    private Bool watchAllPods

    @Opt { help="The environment to start BedSheet in -> dev|test|prod" }
    private Str? env

    @Arg { help="The qname of the AppModule or pod which configures the BedSheet web app" }
    private Str? appModule
    // I could make this an @Opt but then it'd break backwards dependency and I'd have to update all
    // the docs - meh!
    @Arg { help="The HTTP port to run the Bed App on" } 
    private Int port

    ** Run baby, run!
    override Int run() {
        BedSheetBuilder(appModule, !noTransDeps).setOption(BsConstants.meta_watchAllPods, watchAllPods).startWisp(port, proxy, env)