afBedSheetDraftUser Guide


BedSheetDraft is a library for integrating draft with afBedSheet.

With BedSheetDraft you can:


Simply add afBedSheetDraft and draft as project dependencies in your

depends = ["sys 1.0", "afIoc 1.3", "afBedSheet 1.0", "draft 1.0", ... ]

...and thats it!

Because BedSheetDraft defines pod meta-data for afIoc, no more configuration or setup is required.

Draft Routing

Draft Routes match request URIs and call request handlers with a single map of arguments. Contribute draft routes the same way you would with afBedSheet routes:

using draft::Route as DraftRoute


@Contribute { serviceType=Routes# }
static Void contributeRoutes(OrderedConfig conf) {

  conf.add(DraftRoute("/", "GET", PageHandler#index))
  conf.add(DraftRoute("/echo/{name}/{age}", "GET", PageHandler#print))


Draft Flash

The Draft Flash is contributed as a threaded service and may be accessed as such:

private Flash flash

Note that Flash is not a const class so it may not be injected into const services. Instead create a flash method that accesses the afIoc registry:

using afIoc
using draft::Flash as DraftFlash

class ThreadedHandler {
  private Registry registry

  new make(|This|in) { in(this) }

  DraftFlash flash() {

Release Notes


  • New: Initial release