using afConcurrent
using afIoc
using afIocConfig
using afEfan

** Renders Embedded Fantom (efan) templates against a given context.
const mixin EfanTemplates {

    ** Renders the given template with the ctx.
    ** **Warning:** Overuse of this method could cause a memory leak! A new Fantom Type is created 
    ** on every call. 
    abstract Str renderFromStr(Str efan, Obj? ctx := null)
    ** Renders an '.efan' template file with the given ctx. 
    ** The compiled '.efan' template is cached for re-use.   
    abstract Str renderFromFile(File efanFile, Obj? ctx := null)

    ** Returns (or compiles) a template for the given file.
    abstract EfanTemplate templateFromFile(File efanFile, Type? ctxType := null)
    @NoDoc @Deprecated { msg = "Use tempalteFromFile() instead" }
    EfanTemplate rendererForFile(File efanFile, Type? ctxType := null) {
        templateFromFile(efanFile, ctxType)

internal const class EfanTemplatesImpl : EfanTemplates {
    private const static Log    log := Utils.getLog(EfanTemplates#)
    private const SynchronizedFileMap   fileCache
    @Inject @Config { id="afEfan.templateTimeout" }
    private const Duration templateTimeout
    @Inject @Config { id="afEfan.ctxVarName" }  
    private const Str ctxVarName

    @Inject private const EfanViewHelpers   viewHelpers
    @Inject private const EfanCompiler      compiler

    new make(ActorPools actorPools, |This|in) { 
        fileCache = SynchronizedFileMap(actorPools["afBedSheetEfan.fileCache"], templateTimeout)

    override Str renderFromStr(Str efan, Obj? ctx := null) {
        template := compiler.compile(`rendered/from/str`, efan, ctx?.typeof, viewHelpers.mixins)
        return template.render(ctx)

    override Str renderFromFile(File efanFile, Obj? ctx := null) {
        template := templateFromFile(efanFile, ctx?.typeof)
        return template.render(ctx)
    override EfanTemplate templateFromFile(File efanFile, Type? ctxType := null) {
        if (!efanFile.exists)
            throw IOErr(ErrMsgs.templatesFileNotFound(efanFile))

        template := (EfanTemplate) fileCache.getOrAddOrUpdate(efanFile) |->Obj| {
            templateStr := efanFile.readAllStr
            template    := compiler.compile(efanFile.normalize.uri, templateStr, ctxType, viewHelpers.mixins)
            return template
        if (ctxType != null) {
            templateCtxType := template.templateMeta.ctxType
            if (templateCtxType == null || !ctxType.fits(templateCtxType)) {
                log.warn(LogMsgs.templatesCtxDoesNotFitTemplateCtx(ctxType, templateCtxType, efanFile))
                templateStr := efanFile.readAllStr
                template    = compiler.compile(efanFile.normalize.uri, templateStr, ctxType, viewHelpers.mixins)
                fileCache[efanFile] = template
        return template