using web::WebUtil

** (Bonus!) Middleware for signing HTTP requests as per the [OAuth Protocol 1.0a]``.
** 'OpenAuthMiddleware' automatically signs all HTTP requests with the given credentials as per the OAuth 1.0 
** Specification.
** Here is an awesome guide on [How To Sign HTTP Requests With OAuth 1.0]``.
** Note that 'OpenAuthMiddleware' is *NOT* part of the default 'Butter' stack. To use, you must create your own:
** pre>
** middlewareStack := [
**     ...
**     ...
**     OpenAuthMiddleware("key", "secret"),
**     HttpTerminator()
** ]
** butter := Butter.churnOut(middlewareStack)
** <pre
** Because 'OpenAuthMiddleware' signs the HTTP parameters, it must come just before the 'Terminator' or after all the
** headers have been set.
class OpenAuthMiddleware : ButterMiddleware {
    internal    OpenAuthTimestampGen    timestampGen    := OpenAuthTimestampGen()
    @NoDoc      OpenAuthNonceGen        nonceGen        := OpenAuthNonceGen()
    Str consumerKey
    Str consumerSecret
    new make(Str consumerKey, Str consumerSecret, |This|? in := null) {
        this.consumerKey    = consumerKey
        this.consumerSecret = consumerSecret
    override ButterResponse sendRequest(Butter butter, ButterRequest req) {
        oauthParams := OpenAuthParams()

        seconds := timestampGen.generate
        nonce   := nonceGen.generate(seconds)

        oauthParams["oauth_version"]            = "1.0"
        oauthParams["oauth_timestamp"]          = seconds.toStr
        oauthParams["oauth_nonce"]              = nonce
        oauthParams["oauth_consumer_key"]       = consumerKey
        oauthParams["oauth_signature_method"]   = "HMAC-SHA1"   // TODO: OAuth have PLAINTEXT option
        req.uri.query.each |val, key| { 
            oauthParams[key] = val

        normalizedUri       := normalizeUri(req.uri)
        normalizedParams    := oauthParams.queryStr
        signatureBaseStr    := OpenAuthParams.percentEscape(req.method) + "&" + 
                               OpenAuthParams.percentEscape(normalizedUri) + "&" + 
        secretKey           := consumerSecret + "&" // + tokenSecret
        signature           := signatureBaseStr.toBuf.hmac("SHA-1", secretKey.toBuf).toBase64

        oauthParams["oauth_signature"]  = signature
        req.headers["Authorization"]    = oauthParams.headerStr
        return butter.sendRequest(req)
    private Str normalizeUri(Uri uri) {
        scheme      := uri.scheme
        authority   := uri.auth.lower
        path        := uri.pathStr
        return scheme + "://" + authority + path