using util::JsonOutStream

** The HTTP request.
class ButterRequest {

    ** Url to use for request. 
    Uri     url

    ** HTTP version to use for request.
    ** Defaults to HTTP 1.1
    Version version := Butter.http11

    ** HTTP method to use for request.
    ** Defaults to "GET".
    Str     method  := "GET" { set { &method = it.upper } }

    ** The HTTP headers to use for the next request.  
    ** This map uses case insensitive keys.  
    HttpRequestHeaders  headers := HttpRequestHeaders()

    ** A temporary store for request data, use to pass data between middleware.
    Str:Obj stash   := Str:Obj[:] { caseInsensitive = true }
    ** The request body.
    Buf     body    := Buf()
    new make(Uri url, |This|? f := null) {
        this.url = url
    ** Sets the body to the given string.
    ** Convenience for 'butterRequest.body = str.toBuf' 
    This setBodyFromStr(Str str) {
        body = str.toBuf
        return this
    ** Sets the body to the given JSON object.
    ** Convenience for 'butterRequest.body = JsonOutStream.writeJsonToStr(jsonObj).toBuf' 
    This setBodyFromJson(Obj jsonObj) {
        body = JsonOutStream.writeJsonToStr(jsonObj).toBuf
        return this
    override Str toStr() {
        "${method} ${url} HTTP/${version}"