using util

// Can't use streams for request - 'cos we write to body before we open the real socket connection. 
// We would need a callback for when socket out becomes available. 
** Convenience methods for reading and writing content.
class Body {    
    private Buf                     buffer
    private HttpRequestHeaders?     reqHeaders
    private HttpResponseHeaders?    resHeaders
    ** The charset used to en / decode the string and json objects. If left as 'null' then it defaults to the 'Content-Type' HTTP Header, or UTF-8 if not set.
    Charset? charset
    ** Gets and sets the body content as a 'Buf'.
    Buf buf {
        // don't seek so we can add more and more to it
        get { buffer.charset = _strCharset; return buffer }
        set { buffer = it }

    ** Gets and sets the body content as a string. The string is en / decodes using a charset found in the following precedence:
    **  - any charset set via the 'charset' field
    **  - the charset defined in a 'Content-Type' HTTP header
    **  - UTF-8
    ** When set, the 'Content-Type' is set to 'text/plain' (if it's not been set already).  
    Str? str {
        get { }
        set {
            if (reqHeaders.contentType != null)
                reqHeaders.contentType = MimeType("text/plain; charset=${_strCharset}")
            buffer =

    ** Gets and sets the body content as a JSON object. 'JsonInStream' / 'JsonOutStream' are used to convert objects to and from JSON strings.
    ** When set, the 'Content-Type' is set to 'application/json' (if it's not been set already).  
    Obj? jsonObj {
        get { JsonInStream( }
        set {
            if (reqHeaders.contentType != null)
                reqHeaders.contentType = MimeType("application/json; charset=${_strCharset}")
            str = JsonOutStream.writeJsonToStr(it)

    ** Gets and set the body content as a JSON map. Convenience for '([Str:Obj?]?) body.jsonObj'.
    ** When set, the 'Content-Type' is set to 'application/json' (if it's not been set already).  
    [Str:Obj?]? jsonMap {
        get { jsonObj }
        set { jsonObj = it }

    internal new makeForReq(HttpRequestHeaders reqHeaders) {
        this.reqHeaders = reqHeaders
        // we start off with a buffer, as that is what most requests will use to set Str content etc
        buffer = Buf()
    internal new makeForResIn(HttpResponseHeaders resHeaders, InStream in) {
        this.resHeaders = resHeaders
        // read in the whole instream only because we need to make sure we close it at some point
        try buffer = in.readAllBuf
        catch buffer = Buf()
    internal new makeForResStr(HttpResponseHeaders resHeaders, Str str) {
        this.resHeaders = resHeaders
        this.buffer = str.toBuf
    private Charset _strCharset() {
        ((&charset ?: reqHeaders?.contentType?.charset) ?: resHeaders?.contentType?.charset) ?: Charset.utf8