using util::JsonOutStream

** The HTTP request.
class ButterRequest {

    ** Url to use for request. 
    Uri     url

    ** HTTP version to use for request.
    ** Defaults to HTTP 1.1
    Version version := Butter.http11

    ** HTTP method to use for request.
    ** Defaults to "GET".
    Str     method  := "GET" { set { &method = it.upper } }

    ** The HTTP headers to use for the next request.  
    ** This map uses case insensitive keys.  
    HttpRequestHeaders  headers := HttpRequestHeaders() { private set } // 'cos it's required by body

    ** A temporary store for request data, use to pass data between middleware.
    Str:Obj? stash  := Str:Obj?[:] { caseInsensitive = true }
    ** The request body.
    Body    body    := Body(headers)
    new make(Uri url, |This|? f := null) {
        this.url = url
    ** Builder method for setting the HTTP method.
    This setMethod(Str method) {
        this.method = method 
        return this

    ** Builder method for setting a header value.
    This setHeader(Str name, Str? value) {
        headers.set(name, value)
        return this
    ** Writes a Multipart Form to the body. Use to simulate file uploads.
    ** pre>
    ** syntax:fantom
    ** request.writeMultipartForm |MultipartForm form| {
    **     form.writeJsonObj("meta", ["desc":"Awesome!"])
    **     form.writeFile("upload", `newGame.pod`.toFile)
    ** }
    ** <pre
    This writeMultipartForm(|MultipartForm| formFunc) {
        form := MultipartForm(this)
        return this

    ** Dumps a debug string that in some way resembles the full HTTP request.
    Str dump() {
        buf := StrBuf()
        out := buf.out

        out.print("${method} ${url.encode} HTTP/${version}\n")
        headers.each |v, k| { out.print("${k}: ${v}\n") }

        if (body.buf != null && body.buf.size > 0) {
            try   out.print(body.str)
            catch out.print("** ERROR: Body does not contain string content **")

        return buf.toStr
    @NoDoc  // this is the sort of thing I'll prob need to call one day!
    Void _primeForSend() {
        // set the Host, if it's not been already
        // Host is mandatory for HTTP/1.1, and does no harm in HTTP/1.0
        if ( == null)
   = normaliseHost(url)

        // set the Content-Length, if it's not been already
        bufSize := body.size
        if (headers.contentLength == null)
            // don't bother setting Content-Length for GET reqs with an empty body, Firefox v32 doesn't
            if (method == "GET" && bufSize == 0) {
                // then again, set Content-Length if there's a Content-Type - see
                if (headers.contentType != null)
                    headers.contentLength = 0
            } else
                headers.contentLength = bufSize

    ** Returns a normalised host string from a URL.
    static Str normaliseHost(Uri url) {
        uri  := ( == null) ? `//$url` : url
        host := 
        if (host == null || host.isEmpty)
            throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.hostNotDefined(url))
        isHttps := url.scheme == "https"
        defPort := isHttps ? 443 : 80
        if (uri.port != null && uri.port != defPort)
            host += ":${uri.port}"
        return host
    @NoDoc @Deprecated { msg="Use 'body.set' instead" }  
    This setBodyFromStr(Str str) {
        body.str = str
        return this
    @NoDoc @Deprecated { msg="Use 'body.set' instead" }  
    This setBodyFromJson(Obj jsonObj) {
        body.jsonObj = jsonObj
        return this
    override Str toStr() {
        "${method} ${url} HTTP/${version}"

** Represents Multipart Form Data as defined by [RFC 2388]``.
** Used to write data to a request.
class MultipartForm {
    private ButterRequest   req
    private OutStream       out
    private Str             boundary

    internal new make(ButterRequest req) {
        req.body.buf    = Buf()

        this.req        = req
        this.out        = req.body.buf.out
        this.boundary   = "Boundary-" + Buf.random(16).toHex
        req.headers.contentType = MimeType("multipart/form-data; boundary=$boundary")

    ** Writes a JSON part. Converts the given obj to a JSON str first. (using 'JsonOutStream'.)
    This writeJsonObj(Str name, Obj? jsonObj) {
        writeJson(name, JsonOutStream.writeJsonToStr(jsonObj))

    ** Writes a JSON part.
    This writeJson(Str name, Str json) {
        write(name, json.toBuf, MimeType("application/json; charset=utf-8"))

    ** Writes a standard text part. Use for setting form fields.
    This writeText(Str name, Str text) {
        write(name, text.toBuf, MimeType("text/plain; charset=utf-8"))

    ** Writes a part.
    This write(Str name, Buf content, MimeType? contentType := null) {
        out.print("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"${_quote(name)}\"\r\n")
        if (contentType != null)
            out.print("Content-Type: ${contentType}\r\n")
        return this

    ** Writes a File part. If 'mimeType' is not passed in, it is taken from the file's extension.
    This writeFile(Str name, File file, MimeType? mimeType := null) {
        if (!file.exists)
            throw IOErr("File not found: ${file.normalize.osPath}")
        if (mimeType == null)
            // files *should* always have a MimeType
            mimeType = file.mimeType ?: MimeType("application/octet-stream")

        out.print("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"${_quote(name)}\"; filename=\"${_quote(}\"\r\n")
        out.print("Content-Type: ${mimeType}\r\n")
        return this
    internal Void _writeBoundry() {
    internal Void _writeBoundryEnd() {
    private Str _quote(Str name) {
        // TODO quote as per RFC 2047