using concurrent::Actor
using concurrent::ActorPool
using concurrent::AtomicInt
using concurrent::Future

** Provides 'synchronized' access to a (non- 'const') mutable state object.
** 'SynchronizedState' creates the state object in its own thread and provides access to it via the 
** 'withState()' and 'getState()' methods. Note that by their nature, these methods are immutable 
** boundaries. Meaning that while data in the State object can be mutable, data passed in and out 
** of these these boundaries can not be. 
** 'SynchronizedState' is designed to be *scope safe*, that is you cannot accidently call methods 
** on your State object outside of the 'withState()' and 'getState()' methods. 
** Example usage:
** pre>
** syntax: fantom
** sync := SynchronizedState(ActorPool(), Mutable#)
** msg  := "That's cool, dude!"
** val  := sync.getState |Mutable state -> Int| {
**     state.buf.writeChars(msg)
**     return state.buf.size
** }
** class Mutable {
**     Buf buf := Buf()
** }
** <pre
const class SynchronizedState {
    private const |->Obj?|      stateFactory
    private const LocalRef      stateRef
    ** The 'lock' object should you need to 'synchronize' on the state.
    const Synchronized  lock

    ** The given state type must have a public no-args ctor as per [Type.make]`sys::Type.make`.
    new makeWithType(ActorPool actorPool, Type stateType) {
        this.lock           = Synchronized(actorPool) 
        this.stateRef       = LocalRef(
        this.stateFactory   = |->Obj?| { stateType.make }       

    ** The given (immutable) factory func is used to create the state object inside it's thread.
    new makeWithFactory(ActorPool actorPool, |->Obj?| stateFactory) {
        this.lock           = Synchronized(actorPool) 
        this.stateRef       = LocalRef(
        this.stateFactory   = stateFactory

    ** Calls the given func asynchronously, passing in the State object.
    ** The given func should be immutable. 
    Future withState(|Obj state -> Obj?| func) {
        iFunc := func.toImmutable
        return lock.async |->Obj?| { callFunc(iFunc) }

    ** Calls the given func synchronously, passing in the State object and returning the func's 
    ** response.
    ** The given func should be immutable. 
    Obj? getState(|Obj state -> Obj?| func) {
        iFunc := func.toImmutable
        return lock.synchronized |->Obj?| { callFunc(iFunc) }
    private Obj? callFunc(|Obj?->Obj?| func) {
        if (stateRef.val == null) 
            stateRef.val =        