using concurrent::ActorPool
using afConcurrent::SynchronizedState

** Provides 'synchronized' multi-thread access to a mutable 'Buf'.
** 'SynchronizedBuf' creates a 'Buf' in its own thread and provides access to it via the 
** *read* and *write* methods, and complementary 'InStream' and 'OutStream' implementations. 
** 'SynchronizedBuf' is different to the default 'Buf.toImmutable()' instance because 
** 'SynchronizedBuf' is mutable, designed to be constantly written to by one thread / stream,
** and constantly read by anther.  
** pre>
** .--->--->---                  --->--->---
** | Producer  |      Sync      | Consumer  |
** ▲  Thread   ▼ ---> Buf  <--> ▲  Thread   ▼
** |   Loop    |               |   Loop    |
**  ---<---<---                  ---<---<---
** <pre
** Note that 'SynchronizedBuf' grows unbounded. Until, that is, reading catches up with the 
** writing; at which point the internal Buf is cleared and reset to initial capacity.
** See [Threaded Streams]`` on the Fantom forum for the initial design.
const class SynchronizedBuf {
    private const SynchronizedState threadState
    new make(ActorPool actorPool, Int capacity := 1024) {
        threadState = SynchronizedState(actorPool) |->Obj| { SynchronizedBufState(capacity) }

    ** Creates and returns a thread safe 'OutStream' wrapper for this 'Buf'.
    ** 'OutStream' instances should be cached for re-use. 
    ** Note you need to call 'flush()' to make data available to the 'InStream'. 
    OutStream out() {
    ** Creates and returns a thread safe 'InStream' wrapper for this 'Buf'. 
    ** 'InStream' instances should be cached for re-use. 
    InStream in() {
    ** Write a byte to the output stream.
    ** This method returns immediately, with the processing happening in the Buf thread.
    This write(Int b) {
        threadState.async |SynchronizedBufState state| {
        return this
    ** Write 'n' bytes from the given 'Buf' at it's current position to the output stream.
    ** If 'n' is defaulted to 'buf.remaining()', then the entire buffer is drained to the output stream.
    ** This method return immediately, with the processing happening in the Buf thread.
    ** Due to the use of 'Buf.toImmutable()' the given 'Buf' is cleared / invalidated upon return.
    This writeBuf(Buf buf, Int n := buf.remaining) {
        threadState.async |SynchronizedBufState state| {
            state.writeBuf(buf, n)
        return this

    ** Return the number of bytes available on the input stream without blocking.
    ** Return zero if no bytes available or unknown.
    Int avail() {
        threadState.sync |SynchronizedBufState state -> Int| {
    ** Read the next unsigned byte from the input stream.
    ** Return 'null' if at end of stream.
    Int? read() {
        threadState.sync |SynchronizedBufState state -> Int?| {
    ** Attempt to read the next n bytes.
    ** Note this method may not read the full number of n bytes.
    Buf readBuf(Int n) {
        threadState.sync |SynchronizedBufState state -> Buf| {
    ** Pushback a byte so that it is the next byte to be read.
    ** There is a finite limit to the number of bytes which may be pushed back.
    Void unread(Int b) {
        threadState.sync |SynchronizedBufState state| {
    ** Attempt to skip 'n' number of bytes.  Return the number of bytes
    ** actually skipped which may be equal to or lesser than 'n'.
    Int skip(Int n) {
        threadState.sync |SynchronizedBufState state -> Int| {
    ** Return the total number of bytes in the buffer. This is NOT the same as 'avail()'.
    ** The internal buffer forever expands until the contents have been read, then it is cleared. 
    Int size() {
        threadState.sync |SynchronizedBufState state -> Int| {

    override Str toStr() {
        threadState.sync |SynchronizedBufState state -> Str| {
            "SynchronizedBuf - size=${state.size}, pos=${state.pos}"

internal class SynchronizedBufState {
    private Int capactity
    private Buf buf := Buf()
    new make(Int capactity) {
        this.capactity = capactity
    Void write(Int b) {
        pos := buf.pos
    Void writeBuf(Buf b, Int n := b.remaining) {
        if (n <= 0) return
        pos := buf.pos
        buf.out.writeBuf(b, n)

    Int avail() {
    Int? read() {
        val :=
        return val
    Buf readBuf(Int n) {
        b := Buf(), n)
        return b.toImmutable
    Void unread(Int b) {
    Int skip(Int n) {
        val :=
        return val
    Int pos() {
    Int size() {
    private Void clear() {
        if (avail == 0) {
            buf.capacity = capactity

internal class ThreadedOutStream : OutStream {
    private Buf             buf
    private SynchronizedBuf threadBuf

    new make(SynchronizedBuf threadBuf) : super.make(null) {
        this.buf        = Buf()
        this.threadBuf  = threadBuf
    ** Write a byte to the output stream.
    ** Call 'flush()' to commit data to the main Actor thread.
    override This write(Int byte) {
        return this

    ** Write n bytes from the specified Buf at it's current position to
    ** the output stream. 
    ** Call 'flush()' to commit data to the main Actor thread.
    override This writeBuf(Buf buf, Int n := buf.remaining) {
        this.buf.writeBuf(buf, n)
        return this

    ** Flush the stream so any buffered bytes are written out.  
    override This flush() {
        return this

    ** Does nothing and returns true.
    override Bool close() {

internal class ThreadedInStream : InStream {
    private SynchronizedBuf threadBuf
    new make(SynchronizedBuf threadBuf) : super.make(null) {
        this.threadBuf = threadBuf
    ** Return the number of bytes available on input stream without
    ** blocking.  Return zero if no bytes available or it is unknown.
    override Int avail() {
    ** Read the next unsigned byte from the input stream.
    override Int? read() {      
    ** Attempt to read the next n bytes into the Buf at it's current
    ** position.  The buffer will be grown as needed.  Return the number
    ** of bytes read and increment buf's size and position accordingly.
    ** Note this method may not read the full number of n bytes, use
    ** `readBufFully` if you must block until all n bytes read.
    override Int? readBuf(Buf buf, Int n) {
        b := threadBuf.readBuf(n)
        s := b.size
        return s
    ** Pushback a byte so that it is the next byte to be read.  There
    ** is a finite limit to the number of bytes which may be pushed
    ** back.  Return this.
    override This unread(Int b) {
        return this
    ** Does nothing and returns true.
    override Bool close() {
    ** Attempt to skip 'n' number of bytes.  Return the number of bytes
    ** actually skipped which may be equal to or lesser than n.
    override Int skip(Int n) {