** Defines a '<meta>' tag to be injected into the bottom of your head. Created via `HtmlInjector`.
** @see `` 
class MetaTagBuilder {
    private HtmlElement element
    new make() {
        this.element = HtmlElement("meta")
    ** Sets the 'name' attribute.
    ** Returns 'this'.
    MetaTagBuilder withName(Str name) {
        element["name"] = name
        return this
    ** Sets the 'content' attribute.
    ** Returns 'this'.
    MetaTagBuilder withContent(Str content) {
        element["content"] = content
        return this
    ** Sets the 'property' attribute.
    ** Returns 'this'.
    MetaTagBuilder withProperty(Str property) {
        element["property"] = property
        return this
    ** Sets the 'lang' attribute.
    ** Returns 'this'.
    MetaTagBuilder withLang(Str lang) {
        element["lang"] = lang
        return this
    ** Sets an arbitrary attribute on the '<meta>' element. 
    MetaTagBuilder setAttr(Str name, Str value) {
        element[name] = value
        return this
    ** Returns an attribute value on the '<meta>' element. 
    Str? getAttr(Str name) {

    @NoDoc  // looks like it could be useful!
    HtmlNode htmlNode() {