using afPlastic::PlasticCompilationErr
using afPlastic::PlasticClassModel
using afPlastic::PlasticCompiler
using afPlastic::SrcCodeSnippet
using afConcurrent::LocalRef

** Compiles an efan template into a method on a Fantom type.
** [Plastic]`pod:afPlastic` is used to generate and compile the Fantom source.
const class EfanCompiler {
    private const PlasticCompiler   plasticCompiler
    private const EfanParser        efanParser 
    ** The name of created render methods.
    const Str   renderMethodName    := "_efanRender"

    ** The name given to the 'ctx' variable in the render method.
    const Str   ctxName             := "ctx"

    ** Generates the type name given to compiled efan template instances.
    const |Type[]->Str| templateTypeNameFn  := |Type[] viewHelpers->Str| { (viewHelpers.first?.name ?: "") + "EfanTemplate" }
    ** Standard it-block ctor for setting fields.
    new make(|This|? in := null) {
        this.plasticCompiler = PlasticCompiler { it.podBaseName = "afEfanTemplate" }
        this.efanParser      = EfanParser()
    private new ctorForIoc(EfanParser efanParser, PlasticCompiler plasticCompiler, |This| in) {
        this.efanParser      = efanParser
        this.plasticCompiler = plasticCompiler

    ** Compiles and instantiates a new 'EfanMeta' instance from the given efan template. 
    ** The compiled template extends the given view helper mixins.
    ** This method compiles a new Fantom Type so use judiciously to avoid memory leaks.
    ** Note that 'templateLoc' is only used for reporting Err msgs.
    EfanMeta compile(Uri templateLoc, Str templateSrc, Type? ctxType := null, Type[] viewHelpers := Type#.emptyList) {
        viewHelpers.each {
            if (!it.isPublic)
                throw EfanErr(ErrMsgs.viewHelperMixinIsNotPublic(it))
        // the important efan parsing
        parseResult := efanParser.parse(templateLoc, templateSrc)

        isConst := viewHelpers.first?.isConst ?: true   // const by default
        model := PlasticClassModel(templateTypeNameFn(viewHelpers), isConst)
        parseResult.usings.each { model.usingStr(it) }

        viewHelpers.each { model.extend(it) }
        viewHelpers.first?.methods?.findAll { it.isCtor }?.each {
            model.overrideCtor(it, "")

        // we need the special syntax of "_efan_output = XXXX" so we don't have to close any brackets with eval expressions
        fieldName := efanParser.fieldName
        model.addField(LocalRef#,   fieldName + "_ref").withInitValue("afConcurrent::LocalRef(\"${fieldName}\") |->Obj| { StrBuf() }")
        model.addField(Obj?#,       fieldName, """((StrBuf) ${fieldName}_ref.val).toStr""", """((StrBuf) ${fieldName}_ref.val).add(it)""")

        // check the ctx type here so it also works from renderEfan()  
        ctxTypeSig  := (ctxType == null) ? "Obj?" : ctxType.signature
        renderCode  := ""
        if (ctxType != null && !ctxType.isNullable) {
            renderCode  += "if (_ctx == null)\n"
            renderCode  += "    throw ${EfanErr#.qname}(\"${ErrMsgs.compiler_ctxIsNull} ${ctxType.typeof.signature}\")\n"
        if (ctxType != null) {
            renderCode  += "if (_ctx != null && !_ctx.typeof.fits(${ctxType.qname}#))\n"
            renderCode  += "    throw ${EfanErr#.qname}(\"ctx \${_ctx.typeof.signature} ${ErrMsgs.compiler_ctxNoFit(ctxType)}\")\n"
        renderCode  += "${ctxTypeSig} ${ctxName} := _ctx\n"
        renderCode  += "\n"
        renderCode  += parseResult.fantomCode
        renderCode  += "\t\t${fieldName} := this.${fieldName}\n"
        renderCode  += "\t\t${fieldName}_ref.cleanUp\n"
        renderCode  += "\t\treturn ${fieldName}\n"

        model.addMethod(Str#, renderMethodName, "Obj? _ctx", renderCode)

        efanType := compileModel(model, templateSrc, templateLoc)
        return EfanMeta {
            it.type             = efanType
            it.typeSrc          = model.toFantomCode
            it.templateLoc      = templateLoc
            it.templateSrc      = templateSrc
            it.srcCodePadding   = plasticCompiler.srcCodePadding
            it.ctxType          = ctxType
            it.ctxName          = this.ctxName
            it.renderMethod     = efanType.method(renderMethodName, true)

    ** Compiles the given Plastic model, converting any compilation errors to 'EfanCompilationErrs' 
    ** that shows where in the efan template the error occurred.
    Type compileModel(PlasticClassModel model, Str templateSrc, Uri templateLoc) {
        try {
            return plasticCompiler.compileModel(model)
        } catch (PlasticCompilationErr cause) {
            templateLineNo  := EfanMeta.findTemplateLineNo(model.toFantomCode, cause.errLineNo) ?: throw cause
            srcCodeSnippet  := SrcCodeSnippet(templateLoc, templateSrc)
            throw EfanCompilationErr(srcCodeSnippet, templateLineNo, cause.msg, cause.linesOfPadding, cause)