using afFancom::Dispatch
using afFancom::Variant

** Contains properties detailing phrase elements. 
** ``
** @clsid {961559CF-4E67-4662-8BF0-D93F1FCD61B3}
class ISpeechPhraseInfo {
    internal Dispatch dispatch
    new makeFromDispatch(Dispatch dispatch) {
        this.dispatch = dispatch

    // ---- Properties ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ** Returns the size of audio data in bytes for this phrase.
    Int? audioSizeBytes {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("AudioSizeBytes").asInt }
        private set { }

    ** Returns the length of phrase's audio in 100-nanosecond units.
    Int? audioSizeTime {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("AudioSizeTime").asInt }
        private set { }

    ** Returns the start time in the audio stream for the phrase.
    Variant audioStreamPosition {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("AudioStreamPosition") }
        private set { }

    ** Returns information about the elements of the phrase.
    ISpeechPhraseElements? elements {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("Elements").asType(ISpeechPhraseElements#) }
        private set { }

    ** Returns a string containing the GUID of the engine recognizing this phrase.
    Str? engineId {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("EngineId").asStr }
        private set { }

    ** Returns the private data of the engine.
    Variant enginePrivateData {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("EnginePrivateData") }
        private set { }

    ** Returns the ID of the grammar that contains the top-level rule used to recognize the phrase. 
    Variant grammarId {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("GrammarId") }
        private set { }

    ** Returns the language ID for the phrase elements.
    Int? languageId {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("LanguageId").asInt }
        private set { }

    ** Returns the root property for the result.
    ISpeechPhraseProperties? properties {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("Properties").asType(ISpeechPhraseProperties#) }
        private set { }

    ** Returns possible text replacements.
    ISpeechPhraseReplacements? replacements {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("Replacements").asType(ISpeechPhraseReplacements#) }
        private set { }

    ** Returns the size in bytes of the retained audio data for the audio format specified.
    Int? retainedSizeBytes {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("RetainedSizeBytes").asInt }
        private set { }

    ** Retrieves information about the top-level rule that was used to recognize the phrase.
    ISpeechPhraseRule? rule {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("Rule").asType(ISpeechPhraseRule#) }
        private set { }

    ** Returns the start time for start of phrase audio in absolute time.
    Variant startTime {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("StartTime") }
        private set { }

    // ---- Methods -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ** Returns the display attribute for the text.
    SpeechDisplayAttributes? getDisplayAttributes(Int? startElement := 0, Int? elements := -1, Bool? useReplacements := true) {"GetDisplayAttributes", startElement, elements, useReplacements).asType(SpeechDisplayAttributes#)

    ** Returns the text from a recognition as a single string.
    Str? getText(Int? startElement := 0, Int? elements := -1, Bool? useReplacements := true) {"GetText", startElement, elements, useReplacements).asStr

    ** The SaveToMemory method saves the phrase information from a recognition result to memory.
    ** The phrase may be recalled at a later time. To retrieve the phrase information from memory 
    ** use `SpPhraseInfoBuilder.restorePhraseFromMemory`.
    Variant saveToMemory() {"SaveToMemory")