using afFancom::Flag
using afFancom::Variant

** Lists the possible attributes of a grammar rule.
** ``
const class SpeechRuleAttributes : Flag {

    static const SpeechRuleAttributes None                  := SpeechRuleAttributes ( 0, "None")

    ** Specifies that the rule is defined as a top-level rule. Top-level rules are the entry points 
    ** into the grammar and can be activated or deactivated programmatically. Set a rule as 
    ** top-level by using the TOPLEVEL attribute in the Speech Text Grammar Format.
    ** Value is 1 (0x1)
    static const SpeechRuleAttributes SRATopLevel := SpeechRuleAttributes(1, "SRATopLevel")

    ** Specifies that the rule is defined as a top-level rule that is activated by default. This 
    ** can be set using the TOPLEVEL="ACTIVE" attribute-value pair in the Speech Text Grammar 
    ** Format.
    ** Value is 2 (0x2)
    static const SpeechRuleAttributes SRADefaultToActive := SpeechRuleAttributes(2, "SRADefaultToActive")

    ** Specifies the rule is exported and hence can be referred to by a rule in another grammar. 
    ** This can be set using the 'EXPORT="YES"' attribute-value pair in the Speech Text Grammar 
    ** Format.
    ** Value is 4 (0x4)
    static const SpeechRuleAttributes SRAExport := SpeechRuleAttributes(4, "SRAExport")

    ** Specifies the rule is imported from another grammar and is therefore not defined in this 
    ** grammar.
    ** Value is 8 (0x8)
    static const SpeechRuleAttributes SRAImport := SpeechRuleAttributes(8, "SRAImport")

    ** Specifies the rule has an interpreter (custom C/C++ code implementing the ISpCFGInterpreter 
    ** interface) associated with it.
    ** Value is 16 (0x10)
    static const SpeechRuleAttributes SRAInterpreter := SpeechRuleAttributes(16, "SRAInterpreter")

    ** Specifies the rule is dynamic (can be changed programmatically through the ISpGrammarBuilder 
    ** interface). Note that the CFG must be loaded with the SPLO_DYNAMIC flag to enable changes at 
    ** run time.
    ** Value is 32 (0x20)
    static const SpeechRuleAttributes SRADynamic := SpeechRuleAttributes(32, "SRADynamic")

    ** Specifies whether this is the root rule in the grammar. This is only meaningful for SRGS 
    ** grammars. 
    ** Value is 64 (0x40)
    static const SpeechRuleAttributes SRARoot := SpeechRuleAttributes(64, "SRARoot")

    new make(|This|? f := null) : super(f) { }
    new makeFromVariant(Variant variant) : super(variant) { }
    new makeFromDefinition(Int flag, Str? name := null) : super(flag, name) { }
