** An interface for processing '<pre>' text blocks.
mixin PreProcessor {

    ** Implement to process the given 'pre' text to the given 'out'. 
    abstract Obj? process(HtmlElem elem, Uri cmd, Str text)
    ** Creates a 'PreProcessor' from the given fn. 
    static new fromFn(|HtmlElem, Uri, Str -> Obj?| fn) {

    ** Adds the pre-text as raw HTML.
    static PreProcessor htmlProcessor() {
        fromFn |HtmlElem elem, Uri uri, Str html -> HtmlNode| { HtmlText(html, true) }  
    ** Standard Syntax pretty printing.
    static PreProcessor syntaxProcessor() {
    ** Standard table printing.
    static PreProcessor tableProcessor() {
    ** Create HTML block elements.
    static PreProcessor divProcessor(HtmlDocWriter docWriter) {

internal class PreProcessorFn : PreProcessor {
    private  |HtmlElem, Uri, Str -> Obj?| fn
    new make(|HtmlElem, Uri, Str -> Obj?| fn) {
        this.fn = fn
    override Obj? process(HtmlElem elem, Uri cmd, Str text) {
        fn(elem, cmd, text)