using flux::Resource
using gfx::Image
using web::WebOutStream
using compilerDoc::Doc
using compilerDoc::DocPod
using compilerDoc::DocRenderer
using compilerDoc::DocTopIndex
using compilerDoc::UnknownDocErr

** A Flux wrapper around an Fandoc URI, as resolved by `FandocScheme`.
class FandocResource : Resource {
    private static const FandocEnv  docEnv  := FandocEnv()

    override Uri uri
    Doc doc
    new make(Uri uri, Obj? type) { 
        isTopIndex := ( == null || 
        this.doc = isTopIndex ? topIndex : loadFrom(uri)
        this.uri = uri
    override Str name() {
        doc.isTopIndex ? "Fantom Viewer" : "${}::${doc.docName}" 
    override Image icon() {
        Image(FandocResource#.pod.uri + `/res/icons/icoFantom.png`)
    ** Renders the `compilerDoc::Doc` to a HTML Str.
    Str toHtml() {
        buff    := StrBuf()
        webOut  := WebOutStream(buff.out)
        render  := doc.renderer.method("make").call(docEnv, webOut, doc) as DocRenderer
        return buff.toStr
    private Doc topIndex() {
        DocTopIndex() {
            it.spaces = { 
    private Doc loadFrom(Uri uri) {
        podFile := Env.cur.findPodFile(uri.auth)
        // we get a nice 'Pod file not found err' is auth / pod doesn't exist
        docPod  := DocPod.load(podFile)
        doc     := docPod.doc(, false)
        if (doc == null) {
            docNames := [,]
            docPod.eachDoc { docNames.add(it.docName) }
            availableValues := availableValues("Pod Documents", docNames)
            throw UnknownDocErr("${}::${} - $availableValues")
        return doc
    private Str availableValues(Str valueType, Obj[] values) {
        vals := |Obj? value->Str?| { value?.toStr }.exclude |value| { value == null }.join(", \n    ")
        return " Available $valueType: \n    ${vals}"