** Provides a targeted environment for a specific pod. 
** The WorkDirs and HomeDir are always queried if a pod is not found in a local repostitory..
abstract const class FpmEnv : Env {
    @NoDoc  // so F4 can set it's own
    const Log               log     := FpmEnv#.pod.log

    ** The error, if any, encountered when resolving pods for the target environment.
    const Err?              error
    ** The config used for this environment.
    const FpmConfig         fpmConfig
    ** A map of dependent pods that have been resolved specifically for the 'targetPod'. 
    const Str:PodFile       resolvedPodFiles
    ** A map of all pods used in this environment.
    ** Similar to 'resolvedPodFiles' but additionally includes all pods from 'podDirs', 'workDirs', and the 'homeDir'.  
    const Str:PodFile       allPodFiles
    ** The name of the pod this environment is targeted to.
    const Str               targetPod
    ** A list of unsatisfied pods for this targeted environment.
    const UnresolvedPod[]   unresolvedPods
    private const File[]    fileDirs
    static new make() {

    new makeManual(FpmConfig fpmConfig, File[] f4PodFiles, |This|? in := null) : super.make() {
        in?.call(this)  // can't do field null comparison without an it-block ctor

        title := "Fantom Pod Manager ${typeof.pod.version}"
        log.debug("".padl(title.size, '='))     

        this.fpmConfig  = fpmConfig
        this.fileDirs   = fpmConfig.podDirs.dup.addAll(fpmConfig.workDirs).add(fpmConfig.homeDir)
        podDepends      := PodDependencies(fpmConfig, f4PodFiles, log)

        try {
            resolvedPodFiles        = podDepends.podFiles
            targetPod               = podDepends.targetPod ?: "???"
            unresolvedPods          = podDepends.unresolvedPods
            if (targetPod.endsWith(" 0"))
                targetPod += "+"

            // add all (unresolved) pods from the the home and work dirs
            podFiles    :=
            if (podDepends.building != null)
            podRegex    := ".+\\.pod".toRegex
            // note that workDirs includes homeDir
            fpmConfig.podDirs .each {              (it).listFiles(podRegex).each { if (it.isDir.not && podFiles.containsKey(it.basename).not) podFiles[it.basename] = PodFile(it) } }
            fpmConfig.workDirs.each { (it + `lib/fan/`).listFiles(podRegex).each { if (it.isDir.not && podFiles.containsKey(it.basename).not) podFiles[it.basename] = PodFile(it) } }

            this.allPodFiles = podFiles

        } catch (UnknownPodErr err) {
            // TODO auto-download / install the pod dependency!??
            // beware, also thrown by BuildPod on malformed dependency str
            error = err

        } catch (Err err) {
            error = err

        } finally {
            this.unresolvedPods     = this.unresolvedPods   != null ? this.unresolvedPods   : [,]
            this.resolvedPodFiles   = this.resolvedPodFiles != null ? this.resolvedPodFiles : [:]
            this.allPodFiles        = this.allPodFiles      != null ? this.allPodFiles      : [:]
            this.targetPod          = this.targetPod        != null ? this.targetPod        : "???"
        loggedLatest := false
        if (targetPod == "???") {
            echo("FPM: Could not target pod - defaulting to latest pod versions")
            loggedLatest = true
            this.allPodFiles = podDepends.podResolvers.resolveAll( { remove(targetPod.split.first) }

        if (Env.cur.vars["FPM_ALL_PODS"]?.toBool(false) ?: false) {
            echo("FPM: Found env var: FPM_ALL_PODS = true; defaulting to latest pod versions")
            loggedLatest = true
            this.allPodFiles = podDepends.podResolvers.resolveAll(
        // ---- dump info to logs ----
        if (targetPod.startsWith("afFpm").not)
            // if there's something wrong, then make sure the user sees the dump
            if (error != null || unresolvedPods.size > 0)

        if (unresolvedPods.size > 0) {
            if (!loggedLatest)
                log.warn("Defaulting to latest pod versions")
            if (targetPod == "???")
                this.allPodFiles = podDepends.podResolvers.resolveAll( { remove(targetPod.split.first) }
                this.allPodFiles = podDepends.podResolvers.resolveAll(

        if (error != null) {
            log.err  (error.toStr)

    override File workDir() {

    override File tempDir() {
    ** Return the list of pod names for all the pods currently installed in this environment.
    override Str[] findAllPodNames() {

    ** Resolve the pod file for the given pod name.
    override File? findPodFile(Str podName) {

    ** Find all the files in the environment which match a relative path such as 'etc/foo/config.props'. 
    override File[] findAllFiles(Uri uri) {
        if (uri.isPathAbs) throw ArgErr("Uri must be rel: $uri")
        return { it + uri }.exclude |File f->Bool| { f.exists.not }

    ** Find a file in the environment using a relative path such as 'etc/foo/config.props'. 
    override File? findFile(Uri uri, Bool checked := true) {
        if (uri.isPathAbs) throw ArgErr("Uri must be rel: $uri")
        return fileDirs.eachWhile |dir| {
            f :=, false)
            return f.exists ? f : null
        } ?: (checked ? throw UnresolvedErr(uri.toStr) : null)

    internal abstract Void findTarget(PodDependencies podDepends)

    ** Dumps the FPM environment to a string. This includes the FPM Config and a list of resolved pods.
    Str dump() {
        str := "\n\n"
        str += "FPM Environment:\n"
        str += "\n"
        str += "    Target Pod : ${targetPod}\n"
        str += fpmConfig.dump
        str += "\n"
        str += "Resolved ${resolvedPodFiles.size} pod" + (resolvedPodFiles.size == 1 ? "" : "s") + (resolvedPodFiles.size == 0 ? "" : ":") + "\n"
        maxNom := resolvedPodFiles.reduce(0) |Int size, podFile| { size.max( } as Int
        maxVer := resolvedPodFiles.reduce(0) |Int size, podFile| { size.max(podFile.version.toStr.size) }
        resolvedPodFiles.keys.sort.each |key| {
            podFile := resolvedPodFiles[key]
            str += + 2) + " " + podFile.version.toStr.justl(maxVer) + " - " + podFile.file.osPath + "\n"
        str += "\n"
        // unsatisfied constraints and errors should be logged separately after this dump 

        return str