using afIoc
using afIocConfig
using afDuvet
using afBedSheet::HttpRequest
using afBedSheet::BedSheetServer

** (Service) - 
** Renders the Google Universal Analytics script and sends page views and events.
const mixin GoogleAnalytics {

    ** Returns the domain used to setup the google script. 
    abstract Str? accountDomain()

    ** Returns the account used to setup the google script. 
    abstract Str accountNumber()

    ** Returns 'true' if the page has already rendered Javascript to send a page view event.
    ** This allows individual pages to send page views for canonical URLs and a layout component to 
    ** send general page views if the page hasn't done so. 
    abstract Bool pageViewRendered()

    ** Renders Javascript to send a page view to google analytics. If 'url' is given then it should start with a leading '/', e.g. '/about'
    abstract Void sendPageView(Uri? url := null)

    ** Renders Javascript to send an event to google analytics. 
    abstract Void sendEvent(Str category, Str action, Str? label := null)

internal const class GoogleAnalyticsImpl : GoogleAnalytics {
    @Inject private const Log log
    @Config { id="afGoogleAnalytics.accountNumber" }
    @Inject override const Str accountNumber

    @Config { id="afGoogleAnalytics.accountDomain" }
    @Inject private const Uri googleDomain

    @Config { id="afIocEnv.isProd" }
    @Inject private const Bool? isProd

    @Inject private const BedSheetServer    bedServer
    @Inject private const HttpRequest       httpReq
    @Inject private const HtmlInjector      injector
            private const Bool              renderScripts
            override const Str?             accountDomain

    new make(|This|in) {

        borked := false
        if (accountNumber.isEmpty) {
            log.warn("Google Analytics Account Number has not been set.\n Add the following to your AppModule's contributeApplicationDefaults() method:\n   config[${}.${}] = \"GA-ACC-NO\");")
            borked = true

        accountDomain = googleDomain.toStr.trim.isEmpty ? : 
        if (isProd && (accountDomain == null || accountDomain.lower.contains("localhost"))) {
            log.warn("Google Analytics Domain `${accountDomain}` is not valid'!\n Add the following to your AppModule's contributeApplicationDefaults() method:\n   config[${}.${}] = \"\");")
            borked = true

        renderScripts = isProd && !borked
    override Bool pageViewRendered() {
        httpReq.stash["afGoogleAnalytics.pageViewRendered"] == true

    override Void sendPageView(Uri? url := null) {
        if (renderScripts) {
            if (url == null)
                // by default, cut off any query string from the rendered URL 
                url = bedServer.toAbsoluteUrl(httpReq.url).pathOnly
            // maybe allow the page to be set rather than passing in a url
            // see
            injector.injectScript.withScript(url == null ? "ga('send', 'pageview');" : "ga('send', 'pageview', '${url.encode}');")
        httpReq.stash["afGoogleAnalytics.pageViewRendered"] = true

    override Void sendEvent(Str category, Str action, Str? label := null) {
        if (renderScripts) {
            jsCategory  := category.toCode('\'')
            jsAction    := action.toCode('\'')
            jsLabel     := label?.toCode('\'')
            injector.injectScript.withScript(label == null ? "ga('send', 'event', ${jsCategory}, ${jsAction});" : "ga('send', 'event', ${jsCategory}, ${jsAction}, ${jsLabel});")
    private Void renderGuas() {
             (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
             ga('create', '${accountNumber}', '${accountDomain}');")