using concurrent::AtomicRef
using concurrent::Future
using afIoc::ConcurrentState

** A map that shares its state across threads providing fast reads and synchronised writes. It's
** an application of `ConcurrentState` for use when reads far out number the writes.
** The cache wraps a map stored in an [AtomicRef]`concurrent::AtomicRef` through which all reads 
** are made. All writes are made via [ConcurrentState]`afIoc::ConcurrentState` ensuring 
** synchronised access. Writing makes a 'rw' copy of the map and is thus a more expensive operation.
** @since 1.4.2
const class ConcurrentCache {
    private const ConcurrentState   conState    := ConcurrentState(|->Obj?| { atomicMap })
    private const AtomicRef         atomicMap   := AtomicRef()
    new make(|This|? f := null) {
        f?.call(this) = [:]
    ** Make a 'ConcurrentCache' using the given immutable map 
    ** @since 1.4.6
    new makeWithMap([Obj:Obj?] map) { = map 
    ** A read-only copy of the cache map.
    [Obj:Obj?] map {
        get { atomicMap.val }
        private set { atomicMap.val = it.toImmutable }
    ** Returns the value associated with the given key. If it doesn't exist then it is added from 
    ** the value function. 
    ** This method is **NOT** thread safe. If two actors call this method at the same time, the 
    ** value function could be called twice for the same key. 
    ** @since 1.4.6
    Obj getOrAdd(Obj key, |->Obj| valFunc) {
        if (!containsKey(key)) {
            val :=
            set(key, val)
        return get(key)
    ** Returns the value associated with the given key.
    Obj? get(Obj key) {

    ** Sets the key / value pair, ensuring no data is lost during multi-threaded race conditions.
    ** Though the same key may be overridden. Both the 'key' and 'val' must be immutable. 
    Void set(Obj key, Obj val) {
        iKey := key.toImmutable
        iVal := val.toImmutable
        withState {
            myMap :=
            myMap.set(iKey, iVal)
            atomicMap.val = myMap.toImmutable

    ** Returns 'true' if the cache contains the given key
    Bool containsKey(Obj key) {
    ** Returns a list of all the mapped keys.
    Obj[] keys() {

    ** Returns a list of all the mapped values.
    Obj[] vals() {

    private Future withState(|Obj?| state) {