** (Service) -
** Contribute your `DependencyProvider` implementations to this. 
** Provide your own dependencies for fields annotated with the 
** '@Inject' facet. Typically you would augment '@Inject' with your own facet to provide injection 
** meta. See [@ServiceId]`ServiceId` and [@Autobuild]`Autobuild` for builtin examples. 
** pre>
** @Contribute
** static Void contributeDependencyProviderSource(OrderedConfig conf) {
**   serviceIdProvider := conf.autobuild(ServiceIdProvider#)
**   config.add(serviceIdProvider)
** }
** <pre
** @since 1.1
** @uses OrderedConfig of `DependencyProvider`
const mixin DependencyProviderSource {
    internal abstract Bool canProvideDependency(InjectionCtx injectionCtx)

    internal abstract Obj? provideDependency(InjectionCtx injectionCtx)

** @since 1.1.0
internal const class DependencyProviderSourceImpl : DependencyProviderSource {
    private const DependencyProvider[] dependencyProviders

    new make(DependencyProvider[] dependencyProviders, Registry registry) {
        this.dependencyProviders = dependencyProviders.toImmutable
        // eager load all dependency providers else recursion err (app hangs) when creating DPs 
        // with lazy services
        ctx := InjectionCtx(InjectionType.dependencyByType) { it.dependencyType = Void# }
        dependencyProviders.each { it.canProvide(ctx) }

    override Bool canProvideDependency(InjectionCtx ctx) {
        dependencyProviders.any |provider->Bool| {
            // providers can't provide themselves!
            if (ctx.dependencyType.fits(provider.typeof))
                return false
            return provider.canProvide(ctx) 

    override Obj? provideDependency(InjectionCtx ctx) {
        dps := dependencyProviders.findAll { it.canProvide(ctx) }

        if (dps.isEmpty)
            return null
        if (dps.size > 1)
            throw IocErr(IocMessages.onlyOneDependencyProviderAllowed(ctx.dependencyType, { it.typeof }))
        dependency := dps[0].provide(ctx)
        if (dependency == null) {
            if (!ctx.dependencyType.isNullable )
                throw IocErr(IocMessages.dependencyDoesNotFit(dependency.typeof, ctx.dependencyType))
        } else {
            if (!dependency.typeof.fits(ctx.dependencyType))
                throw IocErr(IocMessages.dependencyDoesNotFit(dependency.typeof, ctx.dependencyType))

        return dependency