** (Service) - The registry of IoC services; this is the main IoC service. 
const mixin Registry {
    ** Invoke to execute all contributions to the `RegistryStartup` service.
    abstract This startup()
    ** Shuts down the Registry. Notifies all listeners that the registry has shutdown. Further 
    ** method invocations on the Registry are no longer allowed, and the Registry instance 
    ** should be discarded.
    ** See `RegistryShutdownHub`
    abstract This shutdown()
    ** Obtains a service via its unique service id. 
    abstract Obj serviceById(Str serviceId)

    // The search takes into account inheritance of the service mixin, not the service *implementation*.
    ** Locates a dependency of the given type. 
    abstract Obj? dependencyByType(Type dependencyType, Bool checked := true)

    ** Autobuilds an instance of the given type, resolving all dependencies: 
    **  - create instance via ctor marked with '@Inject' or the ctor with the *most* parameters
    **  - inject dependencies into fields (of all visibilities) marked with '@Inject'
    **  - call any methods annotated with '@PostInjection'
    ** 'ctorArgs' (if provided) will be passed as arguments to the first parameters in the autobuild ctor. 
    ** Handy when you wish the ctor to take a mixture of plain objects and services. e.g. for a `fwt::Command`:
    ** pre>
    **   registry.autobuild(MySaveCommand#, [entityToSave])
    **   ...
    **   class MySaveCommand {
    **     @Inject
    **     private EntityDao entityDao
    **     private Entity entity
    **     new make(Entity entity, OtherService service, |This| injectInto) {
    **       injectInto(this)       // ioc to inject all fields
    **       service.doSomething    // this service is only used here, so doesn't need to be a field 
    ** // use the field service and passed in entity 
    **     }
    **   }
    ** <pre
    ** Note: the passed in parameters **must** be first in the ctor parameter list.
    ** Impl note: A list is used rather than splats so 'nulls' can be passed in. 
    ** 'fieldVals' set (and potentially overwrite) the value of any const fields set by an it-block function.
    abstract Obj autobuild(Type type, Obj?[] ctorArgs := Obj#.emptyList, [Field:Obj?]? fieldVals := null)

    ** A companion method to 'autobuild'. Creates an instance of the given mixin, which creates the real instance 
    ** whenever a mixin method is invoked.
    ** If 'implType' is null then it is assumed to have the same name as the mixin, plus a 'Impl' suffix.
    ** @since 1.5.0
    abstract Obj createProxy(Type mixinType, Type? implType := null, Obj?[] ctorArgs := Obj#.emptyList, [Field:Obj?]? fieldVals := null)

    ** Injects services and dependencies into fields (of all visibilities) marked with '@Inject'.
    ** Returns the object passed in for method chaining.
    ** *Note usage of this method is discouraged, it is far better practice for the creator to call 'autobuild' 
    ** instead.*  
    abstract Obj injectIntoFields(Obj service)

    ** Calls the method, dependency injecting the parameters. 'instance' can be 'null' if calling a static method. 
    ** The optional 'providedMethodArgs' are used as method arguments. Any args not provided are dependency injected; 
    ** unless they have a default argument, in which case nothing is passed in and the default is used.
    ** @since 1.5.0
    abstract Obj? callMethod(Method method, Obj? instance, Obj?[] providedMethodArgs := Obj#.emptyList)