using afConcurrent::LocalList

** (Service) - Contribute functions to be executed on `Registry` start up.
** Functions need not be immutable.
** Example usage:
** pre>
** class AppModule {
**   @Contribute { serviceType=RegistryStartup# }
**   static Void contributeRegistryStartup(OrderedConfig conf, MyService myService) {
**     conf.add |->| {
**       myService.startup()
**     }
**   }
** }
** <pre
** @uses OrderedConfig of |->|
const mixin RegistryStartup { }

internal const class RegistryStartupImpl : RegistryStartup {

    private const LocalList startups
    new make(|->|[] startups, ThreadLocalManager localManager) {
        this.startups = localManager.createList("StartupListeners")
        this.startups.list = startups

    internal Void go(OpTracker tracker) {
        tracker.track("Running Registry Startup contributions") |->| {
            startups.each { ((|->|) it).call }