using concurrent::AtomicRef

** (Service) - A `DependencyProvider` that injects 'Log' instances. 
** By default, a pod name is used to create the log instance. 
**   |Type type->Log| { return type.pod.log }
** If log instances with different names are desired, change the `#logCreatorFunc`. 
** Do this at registry startup:
** pre>
** class AppModule {
**   @Contribute { serviceType=RegistryStartup# }
**   static Void changeLoggers(Configuration conf, LogProvider logProvider) {
**     conf.add |->| {
**       logProvider.logCreatorFunc = |Type type->Log| { return Log.get( } 
**     }
**   }
** } 
** <pre
const mixin LogProvider : DependencyProvider {
    ** The func that creates log instances from a given type. Change it at will!
    ** Defaults to '|Type type->Log| { return type.pod.log }'
    abstract |Type->Log| logCreatorFunc

internal const class LogProviderImpl : LogProvider {

    private const AtomicRef logCreatorFuncRef   := AtomicRef()
    override |Type->Log| logCreatorFunc {
        get { logCreatorFuncRef.val }
        set { logCreatorFuncRef.val = it }

    internal new make(|This|? in := null) { 
        logCreatorFunc = |Type type->Log| { return type.pod.log }

    override Bool canProvide(InjectionCtx ctx) {
        ctx.dependencyType.fits(Log#) && (ctx.injectingIntoType != null)

    override Obj? provide(InjectionCtx ctx) {
        ctx.log("Injecting Log for ${ctx.injectingIntoType.qname}")