using concurrent::Future
using afConcurrent::SynchronizedState

** (Service) - Contribute functions to be executed on `Registry` shutdown. 
** All functions need to be immutable, which essentially means they can only reference 'const' classes.
** Example usage:
** pre>
** class AppModule {
**     @Contribute { serviceType=RegistryShutdown# }
**     static Void contributeRegistryShutdown(Configuration conf, MyService myService) {
**         conf["myShutdownFunc"] = |->| { myService.shutdown() }
**     }
** }
** <pre
** If the shutdown method of your service depends on other services being available, add a constraint on 'afIoc.shutdown': 
**   conf.set("myShutdownFunc", |->| { myService.shutdown() }, "BEFORE: afIoc.shutdown")
** Note that Errs thrown by shutdown functions will be logged and then swallowed.
** @uses Configuration of '|->| []'
const mixin RegistryShutdown {
    internal abstract Void shutdown()

internal const class RegistryShutdownImpl : RegistryShutdown {
    private const static Log        log         := Utils.getLog(RegistryShutdown#)
    private const OneShotLock       lock        := OneShotLock(IocMessages.registryShutdown)
    private const Str:|->|          shutdownFuncs
    new make(Str:|->| shutdownFuncs) {
        shutdownFuncs.each |val, key| { 
            try val.toImmutable
            catch throw NotImmutableErr(IocMessages.shutdownFuncNotImmutable(key))
        this.shutdownFuncs = shutdownFuncs
    override Void shutdown() {

        shutdownFuncs.each | |->| listener, Str id| {
            try {
            } catch (Err e) {
                log.err(IocMessages.shutdownListenerError(id, e))