using afConcurrent::LocalMap

** (Service) - Contribute functions to be executed on `Registry` startup.
** Functions for registry startup need *not* be immutable.
** Example usage:
** pre>
** class AppModule {
**     @Contribute { serviceType=RegistryStartup# }
**     static Void contributeRegistryStartup(Configuration conf, MyService myService) {
**         conf.add |->| { myService.startup() }
**     }
** }
** <pre
** @uses Configuration of '|->| []'
const mixin RegistryStartup {
    internal abstract Void startup(OpTracker tracker)
    ** Returns a printed list of all the registry services and their lifecycle status. 
    abstract Str printServiceList()

    ** Returns the Alien-Factory banner.
    abstract Str printBanner()

internal const class RegistryStartupImpl : RegistryStartup {
    private const LocalMap startups
    @Inject private const ServiceStats  stats
    @Inject private const RegistryMeta  meta
    new make(Str:|->| startups, ThreadLocalManager localManager, |This|in) {
        this.startups = localManager.createMap("afIoc.StartupListeners") = startups

    override Void startup(OpTracker tracker) {
        tracker.track("Running Registry Startup contributions") |->| {
   | |->| val, Str key| { }
    override Str printServiceList() {
        stats := this.stats.stats.vals.sort |s1, s2| { s1.serviceId <=> s2.serviceId }
        srvcs := "\n\n${stats.size} Services:\n\n"
        maxId := (Int) stats.reduce(0) |size, stat| { ((Int) size).max(stat.serviceId.size) }
        unreal:= 0
        stats.each {
            srvcs   += it.serviceId.padl(maxId) + ": ${it.lifecycle}\n"
            if (it.lifecycle == ServiceLifecycle.DEFINED)
        perce := (100d * unreal / stats.size).toLocale("0.00")
        srvcs += "\n${perce}% of services are unrealised (${unreal}/${stats.size})\n"
        return srvcs

    override Str printBanner() {
        heading := (Str) (meta.options["afIoc.bannerText"] ?: "Err...")
        title := "\n"
        title += Str<|   ___    __                 _____        _                  
                        / _ |  / /_____  _____    / ___/__  ___/ /_________  __ __ 
                       / _  | / // / -_|/ _  /===/ __// _ \/ _/ __/ _  / __|/ // / 
                      /_/ |_|/_//_/\__|/_//_/   /_/   \_,_/__/\__/____/_/   \_, /  
        first := true
        while (!heading.isEmpty) {
            banner := heading.size > 52 ? heading[0..<52] : heading
            heading = heading[banner.size..-1]
            banner = first ? (banner.padl(52, ' ') + " /___/   \n") : (banner.padr(52, ' ') + "\n")
            title += banner
            first = false
        title   += "\n"

        return title