using concurrent::AtomicInt
using concurrent::AtomicRef

** (Service) - 
** The top level IoC object that holds service definitions and the root scope.
** The 'Registry' instance may be dependency injected.  
const mixin Registry {
    ** Destroys all active scopes and shuts down the registry.
    abstract This shutdown()

    ** Returns the *root* scope.
    ** For normal IoC usage, consider using 'activeScope()' instead. 
    abstract Scope rootScope()

    ** Returns the global *default* scope. 
    ** This is the default scope used in any new thread and defaults to the *root* scope. 
    ** For normal IoC usage, consider using 'activeScope()' instead. 
    abstract Scope defaultScope()

    ** Returns the current *active* scope.
    abstract Scope activeScope()

    ** Returns a map of all defined scopes, keyed by scope ID.
    abstract Str:ScopeDef scopeDefs()
    ** Returns a map of all defined services, keyed by service ID.
    abstract Str:ServiceDef serviceDefs()

    ** Returns a pretty printed list of service definitions. 
    ** This is logged to standard out at registry startup. 
    ** Remove the startup contribution to prevent the logging:
    ** pre>
    ** syntax: fantom
    ** regBuilder.onRegistryStartup() |Configuration config| {
    **     config.remove("afIoc.logServices")
    ** }
    ** <pre
    abstract Str printServices()

    ** Returns the Alien-Factory ASCII art banner.
    ** This is logged to standard out at registry startup. 
    ** Remove the startup contribution to prevent the logging:
    ** pre>
    ** syntax: fantom
    ** regBuilder.onRegistryStartup() |Configuration config| {
    **     config.remove("afIoc.logBanner")
    ** }
    ** <pre
    abstract Str printBanner()
    ** *For advanced use only.*
    ** Sets a new global default scope and returns the old one.
    ** Only non-threaded scopes may be set as the global default.
    abstract Scope setDefaultScope(Scope defaultScope)
    @NoDoc @Deprecated { msg="Use '' instead" }
    Obj autobuild(Type type, Obj?[]? ctorArgs := null, [Field:Obj?]? fieldVals := null) {, ctorArgs, fieldVals)

    @NoDoc @Deprecated { msg="Removed without replacement" }
    This startup() { this }

    @NoDoc @Deprecated { msg="Use 'rootScope.inject()' instead" }
    Obj injectIntoFields(Obj obj) {

    @NoDoc @Deprecated { msg="Use 'rootScope.callMethod()' instead" }
    Obj? callMethod(Method method, Obj? instance, Obj?[]? args := null) {
        rootScope.callMethod(method, instance, args)

    @NoDoc @Deprecated { msg="Use 'rootScope.serviceById()' instead" }
    Obj? serviceById(Str serviceId, Bool checked := true) {
        rootScope.serviceById(serviceId, checked)

    @NoDoc @Deprecated { msg="Use 'rootScope.serviceByType()' instead" }
    Obj? dependencyByType(Type objType, Bool checked := true) {
        rootScope.serviceByType(objType, checked)

internal const class RegistryImpl : Registry {
    const AtomicInt             instanceCount    := AtomicInt(0)
    const OneShotLock           shuttingdownLock := OneShotLock(ErrMsgs.registryShutdown, RegistryShutdownErr#)
    const OneShotLock           shutdownLock     := OneShotLock(ErrMsgs.registryShutdown, RegistryShutdownErr#)
    const Str:ScopeDefImpl      scopeDefs_
    const Str:ServiceDefImpl    serviceDefs_
    const ScopeImpl             rootScope_
    const AutoBuilder           autoBuilder     // keep this handy for optimisation reasons
    const Str:Str[]             scopeIdLookup
    const Str:[Type:Str[]]      scopeTypeLookup
    const ScopeImpl             builtInScope
    const Unsafe                shutdownHooksRef
    const RegistryMeta          regMeta
    const ActiveScopeStack      activeScopeStack
    const OperationsStack       opStack
    const AtomicRef             defaultScopeRef     := AtomicRef()

    override const Str:ScopeDef     scopeDefs
    override const Str:ServiceDef   serviceDefs

    new make(Duration buildStart, Str:ScpDef scopeDefs_, Str:SrvDef srvDefs, Type[] moduleTypes, [Str:Obj?] options, Func[] startupHooks, Func[] shutdownHooks) {
        activeScopeStack    = ActiveScopeStack(instanceCount.val)
        opStack             = OperationsStack(instanceCount.val)

        this.shutdownHooksRef   = Unsafe(shutdownHooks)
        this.scopeDefs_         = |def -> ScopeDefImpl| { def.toScopeDef }
        scopeIdLookup   := Str:Str[][:]             { it.caseInsensitive = true }
        scopeTypeLookup := Str:[Type:Str[]][:]      { it.caseInsensitive = true }

        this.scopeDefs_.each |scopeDef| {
            idLookup    := Str[,]
            typeLookup  := Type:Str[][:]
            srvDefs.each |SrvDef srvDef| {
                srvId := ?: ""
                if (srvDef.matchesScope(scopeDef)) {
                    srvDef.serviceTypes.each {
                        typeLookup.getOrAdd(it) { Str[,] }.add(srvId)
            scopeIdLookup[]   = idLookup
            scopeTypeLookup[] = typeLookup
        this.scopeIdLookup      = scopeIdLookup
        this.scopeTypeLookup    = scopeTypeLookup
        this.serviceDefs_       = |srvDef->ServiceDefImpl| { srvDef.toServiceDef.validate(this) }
        // sort scopeDefs and serviceDefs alphabetically - it's a slower lookup, so keep them in a different ref
        scopeKeys := this.scopeDefs_.keys.sort
        scopeDefs := Str:ScopeDef[:] { it.ordered = true }
        scopeKeys.each { scopeDefs[it] = this.scopeDefs_[it] }
        this.scopeDefs = scopeDefs

        serviceKeys := this.serviceDefs_.keys.sort
        serviceDefs := Str:ServiceDef[:] { it.ordered = true }
        serviceKeys.each { serviceDefs[it] = this.serviceDefs_[it] }
        this.serviceDefs = serviceDefs

        // ---- Fire up the Scopes ----

        now             :=
        buildDuration   := now - buildStart
        startStart      := now
        builtInScopeDef := findScopeDef("builtIn", null)
        builtInScope    = ScopeImpl(this, null, builtInScopeDef)
        rootScopeDef    := findScopeDef("root", builtInScope)
        rootScope_      = ScopeImpl(this, builtInScope, rootScopeDef)
        defaultScopeRef.val = rootScope_

        // ---- Create Dependency Providers ----

        // these are also redefined in IocModule
        dependencyProviders := DependencyProviders(Str:DependencyProvider[:] { ordered = true }
            .add("afIoc.autobuild",     AutobuildProvider())
            .add("afIoc.func",          FuncProvider())
            .add("afIoc.log",           LogProvider())
            .add("afIoc.scope",         ScopeProvider())

            .add("afIoc.config",        ConfigProvider())
            .add("afIoc.funcArg",       FuncArgProvider())
            .add("afIoc.service",       ServiceProvider())
            .add("afIoc.ctorItBlock",   CtorItBlockProvider())
        autoBuilder         = AutoBuilder([:], dependencyProviders)
        regMeta             = RegistryMetaImpl(options, moduleTypes)

        builtInScope.instanceById(Registry#             .qname, [,], true).setInstance(this)
        builtInScope.instanceById(RegistryMeta#         .qname, [,], true).setInstance(regMeta)
        builtInScope.instanceById(DependencyProviders#  .qname, [,], true).setInstance(dependencyProviders)
        builtInScope.instanceById(AutoBuilder#          .qname, [,], true).setInstance(autoBuilder)
        // it's chicken and egg - we need dependency providers to create dependency providers!
        sysDepProInst   := builtInScope.instanceById(DependencyProviders#.qname, [,], true)
        userDepPro      := (DependencyProviders) autoBuilder.autobuild(rootScope_, DependencyProviders#, null, null, DependencyProviders#.qname)
        autoBuilderInst := builtInScope.instanceById(AutoBuilder#.qname, [,], true)
        autoBuilder     = autoBuilder.autobuild(rootScope_, AutoBuilder#, [userDepPro], null, AutoBuilder#.qname)

        // ---- Startup Registry ----
        config  := ConfigurationImpl(rootScope_, Str:|Scope|#, "afIoc::Registry.onStartup")
        startupHooks.each {
        hooks := (Str:Func) config.toMap
        // ensure system messages are printed at the end 
        order   := "afIoc.logBanner".split  // this makes moar sense when there are more keys in the list! See DependencyProviders
        hooks.keys.sort |k1, k2| {
            (order.index(k1) ?: -1) <=> (order.index(k2) ?: -1)
        }.each {
        if (hooks.containsKey("afIoc.logStartupTimes")) {
            startDuration   := - startStart
            buildTime       := buildDuration.toMillis.toLocale("#,###")
            startupTime     := startDuration.toMillis.toLocale("#,###")
            msg             := "IoC Registry built in ${buildTime}ms and started up in ${startupTime}ms"
    override This shutdown() {
        if (shuttingdownLock.lock) return this

        // call the Shutdown hooks first so services (and shutdown contributions!) can still access the registry
        then    :=
        config  := ConfigurationImpl(rootScope_, Str:|Scope|#, "afIoc::Registry.onShutdown")
        configs := (Func[]) shutdownHooksRef.val
        configs.each {
        hooks := (Str:Func) config.toMap

        sayGoodbye := hooks.containsKey("afIoc.sayGoodbye")
        hooks.each { }
        // destroy all active scopes and their children...!
        scope := (ScopeImpl?) activeScope
        sdErrs := Err[,]
        while (scope != null) {
            sdErrs.addAll(scope._destroy ?: Err#.emptyList)
            scope = scope.parent

        // ensure the root and default scopes are destroyed
        // for wotever reason they may not have been part of the active scope hierarchy
        scope = defaultScopeRef.val
        while (scope != null) {
            sdErrs.addAll(scope._destroy ?: Err#.emptyList)
            scope = scope.parent
        scope = rootScope_
        while (scope != null) {
            sdErrs.addAll(scope._destroy ?: Err#.emptyList)
            scope = scope.parent

        if (sayGoodbye) {
            log          := Registry#.pod.log
            shutdownTime := ( - then).toMillis.toLocale("#,###")
  "IoC shutdown in ${shutdownTime}ms")
  "IoC says, \"Goodbye!\"")

        // allow services (and shutdown contributions!) access the registry until it *has* been shutdown
        if (sdErrs.size > 0)
            throw sdErrs.first
        return this
    override Scope rootScope() {
        return rootScope_

    override Scope defaultScope() {
        return defaultScopeRef.val

    override Scope activeScope() {
        return activeScopeStack.peek ?: defaultScopeRef.val
    override Str printServices() {
        print := "\n"
        groups  := groupBy(serviceDefs.vals) |ServiceDef def->Obj?| { }
        buckets := (Str:ServiceDef[]) groups.keys.sort.reduce(Str:ServiceDef[][:] { it.ordered = true }) |Str:ServiceDef[] map, key| { map[key] = groups[key] }
        maxSize := 0
        buckets.each |ServiceDef[] serviceDefs, Str podName| {
            serSize := (Int) serviceDefs.reduce(0) |size, stat| { ((Int) size).max("${podName}::", "").size) }
            maxSize = maxSize.max(serSize)
        built := 0
        buckets.each |ServiceDef[] serviceDefs, Str podName| {
            srvcs   := "" 
            noOfPub := 0
            noOfPri := 0
            serviceDefs.each |ServiceDefImpl def| {
                pub := def.serviceTypes.any { isPublic }
                if (pub) {
                    sep   := def.noOfInstancesBuilt > 0 ? "|" : ":"
                    srvcs +="${podName}::", "").padl(maxSize + 2) + "${sep} " + def.matchedScopes.join(", ")
                    alias := def.aliases.dup.addAll( { it.qname })
                    if (alias.size > 0)
                        srvcs += " (aliases: " + alias.join(", ") + ")"
                    srvcs += "\n"
                } else
                if (def.noOfInstancesBuilt > 0) built++
            print += noOfPub == 1
                ? "\nPod '${podName}' has 1 public service"
                : "\nPod '${podName}' has ${noOfPub} public services"
            if (noOfPri > 0)
                print += " (and ${noOfPri} internal)"
            print += ":\n\n"
            print += srvcs

        stats := serviceDefs.vals
        perce := (100f * built / stats.size).toLocale("0.00")
        print += "\n${perce}% of services were built on startup (${built}/${stats.size})\n"
        return print
    // see
    static Obj:Obj[] groupBy(Obj[] list, |Obj item, Int index->Obj| keyFunc) {
        list.reduce(Obj:Obj[][:] { it.ordered = true}) |Obj:Obj[] bucketList, val, i| {
            key := keyFunc(val, i)
            bucketList.getOrAdd(key) { Obj[,] }.add(val)
            return bucketList
    override Str printBanner() {
        heading := (Str) (regMeta.options["afIoc.bannerText"] ?: "Err...")
        title := "\n"
        title += Str<|   ___    __                 _____        _                  
                        / _ |  / /_____  _____    / ___/__  ___/ /_________  __ __ 
                       / _  | / // / -_|/ _  /===/ __// _ \/ _/ __/ _  / __|/ // / 
                      /_/ |_|/_//_/\__|/_//_/   /_/   \_,_/__/\__/____/_/   \_, /  
        first := true
        while (!heading.isEmpty) {
            banner := heading.size > 52 ? heading[0..<52] : heading
            heading = heading[banner.size..-1]
            banner = first ? (banner.padl(52, ' ') + " /___/   \n") : (banner.padr(52, ' ') + "\n")
            title += banner
            first = false

        return title
    override Scope setDefaultScope(Scope scope) {
        if (scope.isThreaded)
            throw ArgErr("Scope '${}' is threaded. Only non-threaded scopes may be set as the global default.")
        oldScope := this.defaultScopeRef.val
        this.defaultScopeRef.val = scope
        return oldScope
    ScopeDefImpl findScopeDef(Str scopeId, ScopeImpl? currentScope) {
        scopeDef := (ScopeDefImpl) (scopeDefs_.find |def| { def.matchesId(scopeId)  } ?: throw ArgNotFoundErr(ErrMsgs.scope_scopeNotFound(scopeId), scopeDefs_.keys))

        scope   := currentScope
        scopes  := ScopeImpl[,]
        if (scope != null) scopes.add(scope)
        while (scope?.parent != null) {
            scope = scope.parent
            scopes.insert(0, scope)

        // there's no technical reason to disallow scope nesting, but I can't think of a reason why you would want it!?
        // Ergo, it's probably a user error.
        if (scopes.any { it.scopeDef.matchesId(scopeId) })
            throw IocErr(ErrMsgs.scope_scopesMayNotBeNested(scopeId, { }))

        if (currentScope != null && !scopeDef.threaded && currentScope.scopeDef.threaded)
            throw IocErr(ErrMsgs.scope_invalidScopeNesting(scopeId,

        return scopeDef