const mixinafIoc::DependencyProvider



A hook to provide custom dependency resolution and extend the capabilities of IoC.

Create an instance of your DependencyProvider and contribute it to the DependencyProviders (*) service.

@Contribute { serviceType=DependencyProviders# }
Void contributeDependencyProviders(Configuration config) {
    config["myProvider"] = MyProvider()

Note that canProvide() is called for all fields, not just those annotated with @Inject.

If your dependency provider re-uses the @Inject facet, then it should be ordered before the standard IoC service provider so it is queried first. The IoC service provider has an ID of afIoc.service:

@Contribute { serviceType=DependencyProviders# }
Void contributeDependencyProviders(Configuration config) {
    config.set("myProvider", MyProvider()).before("afIoc.service")

(*) The DependencyProviders service is annotated with @NoDoc and is not listed in the API. This is because it's only used as a configuration point, so it's not very interesting!



abstract Bool canProvide(Scope currentScope, InjectionCtx injectionCtx)

Return true if the provider can provide. (!) All details of the injection to be performed are in InjectionCtx.

This method exists to allow provide() to return null.



abstract Obj? provide(Scope currentScope, InjectionCtx injectionCtx)

Return the dependency to be injected. All details of the injection to be performed are in InjectionCtx.

Only called if canProvide() returns true.