using inet** Represents a connection to a MongoDB instance.** All connections on creation should be connected to a MongoDB instance and ready to go.** ** @see `TcpConnection` mixin Connection {** Data *from* MongoDB *to* the client.abstract InStream in()** Data *to* MongoDB *from* the client.abstract OutStream out()** Closes the connection.abstract Void close()** Return 'true' if this socket is closed. abstract Bool isClosed()** A map of databases -> users this connection is authenticated as. abstract Str:Str authentications** Authenticates this connection against a database with the given user credentials. virtual Void authenticate(Str databaseName, Str userName, Str password){ nonce := (Str) Operation(this).runCommand("${databaseName}.\$cmd", ["getnonce": 1])["nonce"] passdig := "${userName}:mongo:${password}".toBuf.toDigest("MD5").toHex digest := ( nonce + userName + passdig ).toBuf.toDigest("MD5").toHex authCmd := Str:Obj?[:]{ ordered = true} .add("authenticate", 1) .add("user", userName) .add("nonce", nonce) .add("key", digest) Operation(this).runCommand("${databaseName}.\$cmd", authCmd) authentications[databaseName] = userName}** Logs this connection out from the given database.virtual Void logout(Str databaseName, Bool checked := true){try{ Operation(this).runCommand("${databaseName}.\$cmd", ["logout": 1]) authentications.remove(databaseName)}catch(Err err){if(checked)throw err}}}** Connects to MongoDB via an 'inet::TcpSocket'.@NoDocclass TcpConnection : Connection { TcpSocket socketoverride Str:Str authentications := [:]** Allows you to pass in a TcpSocket with options already make(TcpSocket? socket := null){this.socket = socket ?: TcpSocket()} This connect(IpAddr address := IpAddr(""), Int port := 27017){try{ socket.connect(address, port)returnthis}catch(Err err)throw IOErr(ErrMsgs.connection_couldNot(address.toStr, port, err.msg))}override InStream in(){ }override OutStream out(){ socket.out }override Void close(){ socket.close }override Bool isClosed(){ socket.isClosed }// ---- Obj Overrides ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @NoDocoverride Str toStr(){ isClosed ? "Closed" : socket.remoteAddr.toStr}}