using concurrent
using afConcurrent
using inet

** Manages a pool of connections. 
** Connections are created on-demand and kept in a pool when idle. 
** Once the pool is exhausted, any operation requiring a connection will block for (at most) 'waitQueueTimeout' 
** waiting for an available connection.
** This connection manager is created with the standard [Mongo Connection URL]`` in the format:
**   mongodb://[username:password@]host[:port][/[database][?options]]
** Examples:
**   mongodb://localhost:27017
**   mongodb://
** If connecting to a replica set then multiple hosts (with optional ports) may be specified:
**   mongodb://,
** On 'startup()' the hosts are queried to find the primary / master. 
** All read and write operations are performed on the primary node.
** Note this connection manager *is* safe for multi-threaded / web-application use.
const class ConnectionManagerPooled : ConnectionManager {
    private const Log               log             := Utils.getLog(ConnectionManagerPooled#)
    private const OneShotLock       startupLock     := OneShotLock("Connection Pool has been started")
    private const OneShotLock       shutdownLock    := OneShotLock("Connection Pool has been shutdown")
    private const SynchronizedState connectionState
    ** The host name of the MongoDB server this 'ConnectionManager' connects to.
    ** When connecting to replica sets, this will indicate the primary.
    ** This value is unavailable (returns 'null') until 'startup()' is called. 
    override Uri? mongoUrl() { mongoUrlRef.val }
    private const AtomicRef mongoUrlRef := AtomicRef(null)

    ** The default write concern for all write operations. 
    ** Set by specifying the 'w', 'wtimeoutMS' and 'journal' connection string options. 
    ** Defaults to '["w": 1, "wtimeout": 0, "journal": false]'
    **  - write operations are acknowledged,
    **  - write operations never time out,
    **  - write operations need not be committed to the journal.
    override const Str:Obj? writeConcern := ["w": 1, "wtimeout": 0, "journal": false]
    ** The default database connections are authenticated against.
    ** Set via the `connectionUrl`.
    const Str?  defaultDatabase
    ** The default username connections are authenticated with.
    ** Set via the `connectionUrl`.
    const Str?  defaultUsername
    ** The default password connections are authenticated with.
    ** Set via the `connectionUrl`.
    const Str?  defaultPassword
    ** The original URL this 'ConnectionManager' was configured with.
    ** May contain authentication details.
    **   mongodb://
    const Uri   connectionUrl
    ** The minimum number of database connections this pool should keep open.
    ** They are initially created during 'startup()'.
    ** Set via the [minPoolSize]`` connection string option.
    ** Defaults to 0.
    **   mongodb://
    const Int   minPoolSize := 0

    ** The maximum number of database connections this pool should open.
    ** This is the number of concurrent users you expect to use your application.
    ** Set via the [maxPoolSize]`` connection string option.
    ** Defaults to 10.
    **   mongodb://
    const Int   maxPoolSize := 10
    ** The maximum time a thread can wait for a connection to become available.
    ** Set via the [maxPoolSize]`` connection string option.
    ** Defaults to 10 seconds.
    **   mongodb://
    const Duration  waitQueueTimeout := 10sec

    ** If specified, this is the time to attempt a connection before timing out.
    ** If 'null' (the default) then a system timeout is used.
    ** Set via the [connectTimeoutMS]`` connection string option.
    **   mongodb://
    ** Equates to `inet::SocketOptions.connectTimeout`.
    const Duration? connectTimeout
    ** If specified, this is the time to attempt a send or receive on a socket before the attempt times out.
    ** 'null' (the default) indicates an infinite timeout.
    ** Set via the [socketTimeoutMS]`` connection string option.
    **   mongodb://
    ** Equates to `inet::SocketOptions.receiveTimeout`.
    const Duration? socketTimeout

    ** When the connection pool is shutting down, this is the amount of time to wait for all connections for close before they are forcibly closed.
    ** Defaults to '2sec'. 
    const Duration? shutdownTimeout := 2sec
    // used to test the backoff func
    internal const |Range->Int| randomFunc  := |Range r->Int| { r.random }
    internal const |Duration|   sleepFunc   := |Duration napTime| { Actor.sleep(napTime) }
    ** Create a 'ConnectionManager' from a [Mongo Connection URL]``.
    ** If user credentials are supplied, they are used as default authentication for each connection.
    **   conMgr := ConnectionManagerPooled(ActorPool(), `mongodb://localhost:27017`)
    ** The following URL options are supported:
    **  - [minPoolSize]``
    **  - [maxPoolSize]``
    **  - [waitQueueTimeoutMS]``
    **  - [connectTimeoutMS]``
    **  - [socketTimeoutMS]``
    **  - [w]``
    **  - [wtimeoutMS]``
    **  - [journal]``
    ** URL examples:
    **  - 'mongodb://'
    **  - 'mongodb://'
    ** @see ``
    new makeFromUrl(ActorPool actorPool, Uri connectionUrl, |This|? f := null) {
        if (connectionUrl.scheme != "mongodb")
            throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.connectionManager_badScheme(connectionUrl))

        mongoUrl                := connectionUrl
        this.connectionUrl      = connectionUrl
        this.connectionState    = SynchronizedState(actorPool, ConnectionManagerPoolState#)
        this.minPoolSize        = mongoUrl.query["minPoolSize"]?.toInt ?: minPoolSize
        this.maxPoolSize        = mongoUrl.query["maxPoolSize"]?.toInt ?: maxPoolSize
        waitQueueTimeoutMs      := mongoUrl.query["waitQueueTimeoutMS"]?.toInt
        connectTimeoutMs        := mongoUrl.query["connectTimeoutMS"]?.toInt
        socketTimeoutMs         := mongoUrl.query["socketTimeoutMS"]?.toInt
        w                       := mongoUrl.query["w"]
        wtimeoutMs              := mongoUrl.query["wtimeoutMS"]?.toInt
        journal                 := mongoUrl.query["journal"]?.toBool

        if (minPoolSize < 0)
            throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.connectionManager_badInt("minPoolSize", "zero", minPoolSize, mongoUrl))
        if (maxPoolSize < 1)
            throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.connectionManager_badInt("maxPoolSize", "one", maxPoolSize, mongoUrl))
        if (minPoolSize > maxPoolSize)
            throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.connectionManager_badMinMaxConnectionSize(minPoolSize, maxPoolSize, mongoUrl))     
        if (waitQueueTimeoutMs != null && waitQueueTimeoutMs < 0)
            throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.connectionManager_badInt("waitQueueTimeoutMS", "zero", waitQueueTimeoutMs, mongoUrl))
        if (connectTimeoutMs != null && connectTimeoutMs < 0)
            throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.connectionManager_badInt("connectTimeoutMS", "zero", connectTimeoutMs, mongoUrl))
        if (socketTimeoutMs != null && socketTimeoutMs < 0)
            throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.connectionManager_badInt("socketTimeoutMS", "zero", socketTimeoutMs, mongoUrl))
        if (wtimeoutMs != null && wtimeoutMs < 0)
            throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.connectionManager_badInt("wtimeoutMS", "zero", wtimeoutMs, mongoUrl))

        if (waitQueueTimeoutMs != null)
            waitQueueTimeout = (waitQueueTimeoutMs * 1000000).toDuration
        if (connectTimeoutMs != null)
            connectTimeout = (connectTimeoutMs * 1000000).toDuration
        if (socketTimeoutMs != null)
            socketTimeout = (socketTimeoutMs * 1000000).toDuration

        database := trimToNull(mongoUrl.pathOnly.toStr)
        username := trimToNull(mongoUrl.userInfo?.split(':')?.getSafe(0))
        password := trimToNull(mongoUrl.userInfo?.split(':')?.getSafe(1))
        if ((username == null).xor(password == null))
            throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.connectionManager_badUsernamePasswordCombo(username, password, mongoUrl))

        if (database != null && database.startsWith("/"))
            database = trimToNull(database[1..-1])
        if (username != null && password != null && database == null)
            database = "admin"
        if (username == null && password == null)   // a default database has no meaning without credentials
            database = null
        defaultDatabase = database
        defaultUsername = username
        defaultPassword = password
        writeConcern := Str:Obj?[:] { it.ordered=true }.add("w", 1).add("wtimeout", 0).add("journal", false)
        if (w != null)
            writeConcern["w"] = Int.fromStr(w, 10, false) != null ? w.toInt : w
        if (wtimeoutMs != null)
            writeConcern["wtimeout"] = wtimeoutMs
        if (journal != null)
            writeConcern["journal"] = journal
        this.writeConcern = writeConcern

        query :=
        query.each |val, key| {
            log.warn(LogMsgs.connectionManager_unknownUrlOption(key, val, mongoUrl))
        // allow the it-block to override the default settings
        // no validation occurs - only used for testing.
    ** Creates the initial pool and establishes 'minPoolSize' connections with the server.
    ** If a connection URL to a replica set is given (a connection URL with multiple hosts) then 
    ** the hosts are queried to find the primary. The primary is currently used for all read and 
    ** write operations. 
    override ConnectionManager startup() {
        if (startupLock.locked)
            return this
        hg :=',')
        hostList := (HostDetails[]) { HostDetails(it) }
        hostList.last.port = connectionUrl.port ?: 27017
        hosts := Str:HostDetails[:] { it.ordered=true }.addList(hostList) { }
        // default to the first host
        primary := (HostDetails?) null
        // let's play hunt the primary! Always check, even if only 1 host is supplied, it may still 
        // be part of a replica set
        // first, check the list of supplied hosts
        primary = hostList.eachWhile |hd->HostDetails?| {
            // Is it? Is it!?
            if (hd.populate.isPrimary)
                return hd

            // now lets contact what it thinks is the primary, to double check
            // assume if it's been contacted, it's not the primary - cos we would have returned it already
            if (hd.primary != null && hosts[hd.primary]?.contacted != true) {
                if (hosts[hd.primary] == null) 
                    hosts[hd.primary] = HostDetails(hd.primary)
                if (hosts[hd.primary].populate.isPrimary)
                    return hosts[hd.primary]

            // keep looking!
            return null

        // the above should have flushed out the primary, but if not, check *all* the returned hosts
        if (primary == null) {
            // add all the hosts to our map
            hostList.each |hd| {
                hd.hosts.each {
                    if (hosts[it] == null)
                        hosts[it] = HostDetails(it)

            // loop through them all
            primary = hosts.find { !it.contacted && it.populate.isPrimary }

        // Bugger!
        if (primary == null)
            throw MongoErr(ErrMsgs.connectionManager_couldNotFindPrimary(connectionUrl))

        primaryAddress  := primary.address
        primaryPort     := primary.port
        // remove user credentials and other crud from the url
        mongoUrlRef.val = "mongodb://${primaryAddress}:${primaryPort}".toUri    // F4 doesn't like Uri interpolation

        connectionState.withState |ConnectionManagerPoolState state| {
            state.connectionFactory = |->Connection| {
                socket := TcpSocket()
                socket.options.connectTimeout = connectTimeout
                socket.options.receiveTimeout = socketTimeout
                return TcpConnection(socket).connect(IpAddr(primaryAddress), primaryPort)

        // connect x times
        minPoolSize.times { checkIn(checkOut) }
        return this

    ** Makes a connection available to the given function.
    ** If all connections are currently in use, a truncated binary exponential backoff algorithm 
    ** is used to wait for one to become free. If, while waiting, the duration specified in 
    ** 'waitQueueTimeout' expires then a 'MongoErr' is thrown.
    ** All leased connections are authenticated against the default credentials.
    override Obj? leaseConnection(|Connection->Obj?| c) {
        if (!startupLock.locked)
            throw MongoErr(ErrMsgs.connectionManager_notStarted)

        connection := checkOut
        try {
            return c(connection)

        } catch (Err err) {
            // if something dies, kill the connection.
            // we may have died part way through talking with the server meaning our communication 
            // protocols are out of sync - rendering any future use of the connection useless.
            throw err
        } finally {
    ** Closes all connections. 
    ** Initially waits for 'shutdownTimeout' for connections to finish what they're doing before 
    ** they're closed. After that, all open connections are forcibly closed regardless of whether 
    ** they're in use or not.
    override ConnectionManager shutdown() {
        if (!startupLock.locked)
            return this
        closeFunc := |->Bool?| {
            waitingOn := connectionState.getState |ConnectionManagerPoolState state -> Int| {
                while (!state.checkedIn.isEmpty) {
                return state.checkedOut.size
            if (waitingOn > 0)
      , mongoUrl))
            return waitingOn > 0 ? null : true
        allClosed := backoffFunc(closeFunc, shutdownTimeout) ?: false

        if (!allClosed) {
            // too late, they've had their chance. Now everybody dies.
            connectionState.withState |ConnectionManagerPoolState state| {
                // just in case one or two snuck back in
                while (!state.checkedIn.isEmpty) {
                // DIE! DIE! DIE!
                while (!state.checkedOut.isEmpty) {
        return this
    ** Returns the number of pooled connections currently in use.
    Int noOfConnectionsInUse() {
        connectionState.getState |ConnectionManagerPoolState state->Int| {

    ** Returns the number of connections currently in the pool.
    Int noOfConnectionsInPool() {
        connectionState.getState |ConnectionManagerPoolState state->Int| {
            state.checkedOut.size + state.checkedIn.size
    ** Implements a truncated binary exponential backoff algorithm. *Damn, I'm good!*
    ** Returns 'null' if the operation timed out.
    ** @see ``
    internal Obj? backoffFunc(|Duration totalNapTime->Obj?| func, Duration timeout) {
        result          := null
        c               := 0
        i               := 10
        totalNapTime    := 0ms
        while (result == null && totalNapTime < timeout) {

            result =

            if (result == null) {
                if (++c > i) c = i  // truncate the exponentiation ~ 10 secs
                napTime := (randomFunc(0..<2.pow(c)) * 10 * 1000000).toDuration

                // don't over sleep!
                if ((totalNapTime + napTime) > timeout)
                    napTime = timeout - totalNapTime 

                totalNapTime += napTime
                // if we're about to quit, lets have 1 more last ditch attempt!
                if (totalNapTime >= timeout)
                    result =
        return result
    private Connection checkOut() {
        connectionFunc := |Duration totalNapTime->Connection?| {
            con := connectionState.getState |ConnectionManagerPoolState state->Unsafe?| {
                if (!state.checkedIn.isEmpty) {
                    connection := state.checkedIn.pop
                    return Unsafe(connection)
                if (state.checkedOut.size < maxPoolSize) {
                    connection := state.connectionFactory()
                    return Unsafe(connection)
                return null
            // let's not swamp the logs the first time we can't connect
            // 1.5 secs gives at least 6 connection attempts
            if (con == null && totalNapTime > 1.5sec)
                log.warn(LogMsgs.connectionManager_waitingForConnectionsToFree(maxPoolSize, mongoUrl))

            return con

            := (Connection?) backoffFunc(connectionFunc, waitQueueTimeout)
            ?: throw MongoErr("Argh! No more connections! All ${maxPoolSize} are in use!")
        // ensure all connections are initially leased authenticated as the default user
        // specifically do the check here so you can always *brute force* an authentication on a connection
        if (defaultDatabase != null && connection.authentications[defaultDatabase] != defaultUsername)
            connection.authenticate(defaultDatabase, defaultUsername, defaultPassword)
        return connection

    private Void checkIn(Connection connection) {
        unsafeConnection := Unsafe(connection)
        connectionState.withState |ConnectionManagerPoolState state| {
            conn := (Connection) unsafeConnection.val
            // make sure we don't save stale connections
            if (!conn.isClosed)

        // call get() to make sure this thread checks in before it asks for a new one
    private Str? trimToNull(Str? str) {
        (str?.trim?.isEmpty ?: true) ? null : str.trim
    static Void main() {
        conmgr := ConnectionManagerPooled(ActorPool(), `mongodb://Sulaco:27018,Sulaco:27019,Sulaco:27017`)

internal class ConnectionManagerPoolState {
    Connection[]    checkedOut  := [,]
    Connection[]    checkedIn   := [,]
    |->Connection|? connectionFactory

internal class HostDetails {
    Str     address
    Int     port
    Bool    contacted
    Bool    isPrimary
    Bool    isSecondary
    Str[]   hosts   := Obj#.emptyList
    Str?    primary
    new make(Str addr) {
        this.address    = addr.split(':').getSafe(0) ?: ""
        this.port       = addr.split(':').getSafe(1)?.toInt ?: 27017
    This populate() {
        contacted = true
        connection := TcpConnection()
        try {
            connection.connect(IpAddr(address), port)
            conMgr := ConnectionManagerLocal(connection, "mongodb://${address}:${port}".toUri)
            details := Database(conMgr, "admin").runCmd(["ismaster":1])
            isPrimary   = details["ismaster"]  == true  // '== true' to avoid NPEs if key doesn't exist
            isSecondary = details["secondary"] == true  // '== true' to avoid NPEs if key doesn't exist in standalone instances  
            primary     = details["primary"]                    // standalone instances don't have primary information
            hosts       = details["hosts"] ?: Obj#.emptyList    // standalone instances don't have hosts information
        } finally connection.close
        return this
    Str host() { "${address}:${port}" }

    override Str toStr() { host }