** Executes `Query` objects against a `Datastore`. Example:
**   QueryExecutor(datastore, query).skip(10).limit(50).orderBy("name").findAll
** Or you can use the instance returned by 'Datastore.query(...)':
**   datastore.query(query).orderBy("name").findAll
class QueryExecutor {
    private Datastore   _datastore
    private [Str:Obj]   _query
    private Obj?        _orderBy
    private Int         _skip   := 0
    private Int?        _limit  := null
    ** Creates a 'QueryExecutor' to run the given query against the datastore.
    new make(Datastore datastore, Query query) {
        this._datastore  = datastore
        this._query      = query.toMongo(datastore)
    ** Specifies a property / field to use for ordering. 
    ** Ordering is ascending by default. Prefix the name with '-' to specify a descending order.
    ** Multiple calls to 'orderBy()' may be made to indicate sub-sorts.
    ** Example:
    **   QueryExecutor(...).orderBy("name").orderBy("-value").findAll
    ** Note this is actually the MongoDB property name and *not* the field name. 
    ** Though, the two are usually the same unless you use the '' attribute. 
    This orderBy(Str fieldName) {
        if (_orderBy is Str)
            throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.query_canNotMixSorts(_orderBy, fieldName))
        if (_orderBy == null)
            _orderBy = map
        if (fieldName.startsWith("-"))      
            ((Str:Obj?) _orderBy)[fieldName[1..-1]] = "DESC"
            ((Str:Obj?) _orderBy)[fieldName] = "ASC"
        return this

    ** Specifies an index to use for sorting.
    This orderByIndex(Str indexName) {
        if (_orderBy isnot Str)
            throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.query_canNotMixSorts(indexName, _orderBy))
        _orderBy = indexName
        return this

    ** An (optomised) method to return one document from the query.
    ** Throws 'MongoErr' if no documents are found and 'checked' is 'true', returns 'null' otherwise.
    ** Always throws 'MongoErr' if the query returns more than one document.
    ** @see `afMongo::Collection.findOne`
    Obj? findOne(Bool checked := true) {
        _datastore.findOne(_query, checked)

    ** Returns a list of entities that match the query.
    ** @see `afMongo::Collection.findAll`
    Obj[] findAll() {
        _datastore.findAll(_query, _orderBy, _skip, _limit)
    ** Starts the query results at a particular zero-based offset.
    ** Only used by 'findAll()'. 
    This skip(Int skip) {
        this._skip = skip
        return this

    ** Limits the fetched result set to a certain number of values. 
    ** A value of 'null' or '0' indicates no limit.
    ** Only used by 'findAll()'. 
    This limit(Int limit) {
        this._limit = limit
        return this
    ** Returns the number of documents that would be returned by the query.
    ** @see `afMongo::Collection.findCount`
    Int findCount() {

    ** Returns a Mongo document representing the query. 
    ** May be used by `Datastore` and [Collection]`afMongo::Collection` methods such as 'findAndUpdate(...)'.  
    Str:Obj? mongoQuery() {
    private static Str:Obj map() {
        Str:Obj[:] { ordered = true }