** Standard navigation data returned by the drone. 
** Common data can be found with the 'state()' and 'demoData()' methods, whilst a wealth of debug 
** data can be found in the NavOptions and the 'getOption()' method.
** Unfortunately, the NavOption data is not really documented in the Drone SDK so make of it what 
** you may. 
** To tell the drone what data to return, see `DroneAppConfig.navDataOptions` and `DroneConfig.navDataDemo`.
const class NavData {
    ** The sequence number of the originating UDP packet.
    const Int           seqNum
    ** Vision flags. (I have no idea!)
    const Int           visionFlag
    ** State flags wrapped up in handy getter methods.
    const NavDataFlags  flags
    ** A map of nav options.
    internal const NavOption:LazyNavOptData _lazyOpts

    ** (Advanced)
    new make(|This| f) { f(this) }
    ** Return the 'NavOptionDemo' data (if any) from the nav options.
    ** Convenience for:
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   navData.getOption(NavOption.demo)
    NavOptionDemo? demoData() {
    ** Returns 'NavOption' data. Example:
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   demoData := navData[NavOption.demo]
    ** Returns 'null' if it doesn't exist. 
    ** Option data is usually a map of maps using strings as keys. Inspect the data to find out.
    Obj? getOption(NavOption navOpt) {
    ** Returns a list of options available via 'getOption()'.
    NavOption[] optionKeys() {

** Standard state flags returned by the drone.
const class NavDataFlags {
    private static const Method[] flagMethods := NavDataFlags#.methods.findAll { it.returns == Bool# && it.params.isEmpty && it.parent == NavDataFlags# }

    ** The raw flags data.
    const Int data

    ** (Advaned) Used by the 'dump()' methods.
    const |Method,Bool?->Str| logFlagValue  := |Method method, Bool? oldVal -> Str| {
        val := method.callOn(this, null)
        buf := StrBuf(64)
        buf.add(, '.'))
        if (oldVal != null)
            buf.add(oldVal).add(" --> ")
        return buf.toStr
    new make(Int data, |This|? f := null) { = data
    ** The drone is in the air.
    Bool    flying()                    { data.and(1.shiftl( 0)) != 0 }
    Bool    videoEnabled()              { data.and(1.shiftl( 1)) != 0 }
    Bool    visionEnabled()             { data.and(1.shiftl( 2)) != 0 }
    Bool    eulerAnglesControl()        { data.and(1.shiftl( 3)) == 0 } // yep - this is correct!
    Bool    angularSpeedControl()       { data.and(1.shiftl( 3)) != 0 }
    Bool    altitudeControlActive()     { data.and(1.shiftl( 4)) != 0 }
    Bool    userFeedbackOn()            { data.and(1.shiftl( 5)) != 0 }
    Bool    controlCommandAck()         { data.and(1.shiftl( 6)) != 0 }
    Bool    cameraReady()               { data.and(1.shiftl( 7)) != 0 }
    Bool    travellingEnabled()         { data.and(1.shiftl( 8)) != 0 }
    Bool    usbReady()                  { data.and(1.shiftl( 9)) != 0 }
    Bool    navDataDemo()               { data.and(1.shiftl(10)) != 0 }
    ** Bootstap mode is on.
    Bool    navDataBootstrap()          { data.and(1.shiftl(11)) != 0 }
    Bool    motorProblem()              { data.and(1.shiftl(12)) != 0 }
    Bool    communicationLost()         { data.and(1.shiftl(13)) != 0 }
    Bool    gyrometersDown()            { data.and(1.shiftl(14)) != 0 }
    ** Battery level is at or below 20%
    Bool    batteryTooLow()             { data.and(1.shiftl(15)) != 0 }
    ** The user initiated an emergency landing (sent an emergency AT*REF command)
    Bool    userEmergencyLanding()      { data.and(1.shiftl(16)) != 0 }
    Bool    timerElapsed()              { data.and(1.shiftl(17)) != 0 }
    Bool    magnometerNeedsCalibration(){ data.and(1.shiftl(18)) != 0 }
    ** Drone exceeded maximum tilt. This also sets 'emergencyLanding'.
    Bool    anglesOutOufRange()         { data.and(1.shiftl(19)) != 0 }
    ** Too much wind.
    Bool    tooMuchWind()               { data.and(1.shiftl(20)) != 0 }
    Bool    ultrasonicSensorDeaf()      { data.and(1.shiftl(21)) != 0 }
    Bool    cutOutDetected()            { data.and(1.shiftl(22)) != 0 }
    Bool    picVersionNumberOK()        { data.and(1.shiftl(23)) != 0 }
    Bool    atCodedThreadOn()           { data.and(1.shiftl(24)) != 0 }
    Bool    navDataThreadOn()           { data.and(1.shiftl(25)) != 0 }
    Bool    videoThreadOn()             { data.and(1.shiftl(26)) != 0 }
    Bool    acquisitionThreadOn()       { data.and(1.shiftl(27)) != 0 }
    Bool    controlWatchdogDelayed()    { data.and(1.shiftl(28)) != 0 }
    Bool    adcWatchdogDelayed()        { data.and(1.shiftl(29)) != 0 }
    Bool    comWatchdogProblem()        { data.and(1.shiftl(30)) != 0 }
    ** The drone initiated an emergency landing.
    Bool    emergencyLanding()          { data.and(1.shiftl(31)) != 0 }
    ** Dumps all flags out to debug string.
    Str dump() { { logFlagValue(it, null) }.join("\n")
    ** Dumps to a debug string all flags that are different to the instance passed in.
    ** May return an empty string if nothing has changed.
    ** If 'null' is passed in, all old flags are assumed to be 'false'.
    ** Note this ignores changes to common flags 'comWatchdogProblem' and 'controlCommandAck'.
    Str dumpChanged(NavDataFlags? oldFlags) {
        oldFlags = oldFlags ?: NavDataFlags(0)
        if (data.xor( == 0)
            return ""
        return flagMethods.exclude { it == #comWatchdogProblem || it == #controlCommandAck }.map |method->Str?| {
            oldVal := method.callOn(oldFlags, null)
            newVal := method.callOn(this, null)
            return (newVal == oldVal) ? null : logFlagValue(method, oldVal)
        }.exclude { it == null }.join("\n")
    override Str toStr() { dump }

** Standard telemetry data returned by the drone.
const class NavOptionDemo {
    ** Fly State
    const   DroneState  droneState
    ** Control State
    const   FlightState flightState
    ** Battery voltage filtered (mV)
    const   Int         batteryPercentage
    ** Pitch in milli-degrees
    const   Float       theta
    ** Roll in milli-degrees
    const   Float       phi
    ** Yaw in milli-degrees
    const   Float       psi
    ** Altitude in metres
    const   Float       altitude
    ** Estimated linear velocity
    const   Float       velocityX
    ** Estimated linear velocity
    const   Float       velocityY
    ** Estimated linear velocity
    const   Float       velocityZ
    ** Streamed frame index. Not used -> To integrate in video stage.
    const   Int         frameIndex
    ** (Deprecated) Camera parameters computed by detection
    const   Str:Obj     detection
    ** (Deprecated) Camera parameters computed by drone
    const   Str:Obj     drone

    new make(|This| f) { f(this) }

    ** Dumps all fields to debug string.
    Str dump(Bool dumpToStdOut := true) {
        fields  := typeof.fields.findAll { it.isPublic && it.parent == this.typeof }
        values  := Str:Obj[:]
        fields.each { values[] = it.get(this) }
        dump    := values.toStr // so it looks like the rest of the NavOption maps

        if (dumpToStdOut)
        return dump
    override Str toStr() { dump(false) }

** Drone state as returned by 'NavData'.
enum class DroneState {
    ok, lostAlt, lostAltGoDown, altOutZone, combinedYaw, brake, noVision,       unknown;    // unknown appears to be at index 11

** Flight state as returned by 'NavData'.
enum class FlightState {
    def, init, landed, flying, hovering, test, transGotoFix, transTakeOff, transHovering, transLanding,         transFlipping;  // unknown appears to be at index 10!?