** (Advanced)  
** Models a PEG Rule.
** Rules are commonly created by using methods from the `Rules` mixin, but may be parsed from string patterns.
** `Rule` *may* sub-classed to create your own custom rules. 
abstract class Rule {
    ** Creates a rule by parsing the given pattern:
    **   syntax: fantom 
    **   Rule.fromPattern("[abc] / [xyz]")
    ** See `Peg.parseRule`
    static new parseRule(Str pattern) {

    ** The name of this rule, as defined by grammar.
    **   name <- foobar foobar
    ** Only rules with names (or labels) appear in debug output and the output tree, unless explicitly disabled.
    ** Should be a legal Fantom identifier (think variable names!).
    virtual Str? name {
        // internal set because only "Grammar definitions" should have names
        // rules have labels, definitions have names.
        // ideally we'd have a separate class for this
        internal set {
            // allow names to be programmatically re-set
            if (it != null)
                if (!it.chars.first.isAlpha || it.chars.any { !it.isAlphaNum && it != '_' && it != '-' })
                    throw ArgErr("Name must be a valid Fantom identifier: $it")
            &name = it
    ** A label for this rule.
    **   someRule <- label:foobar foobar
    ** Note the same rule definition may have multiple / different labels when used in different parts of PEG grammar.  
    ** Only rules with labels (or names) appear in debug output and the output tree, unless explicitly disabled.
    ** Should be a legal Fantom identifier (think variable names!).
    virtual Str? label {
        set {
            // allow labels to be programmatically re-set
            if (it != null)
                if (!it.chars.first.isAlpha || it.chars.any { !it.isAlphaNum && it != '_' && it != '-' })
                    throw ArgErr("Label must be a valid Fantom identifier: $it")
            &label = it
    ** Disable debugging of this rule if it gets too noisy.
    virtual Bool debug          := true

    ** Not all rules are useful in the parsed AST. 
    virtual Bool useInResult    := true

    ** Override to implement Rule logic.
    abstract Bool doProcess(RuleCtx ctx)
    ** Returns the PEG expression for this rule (with any label definition). Example:
    **   label:[a-zA-Z0-9]
    Str expression() {
        _labelDis + _expression

    ** Returns the PEG definition for this rule. Example:
    **   alphaNum <- [a-zA-Z0-9]
    Str definition() {
        if (name == null) return expression
        ex := name
        if (!useInResult)   ex = "-" + ex
        if (!debug)         ex = ex + "-"
        return "${ex} <- ${expression}"

    ** A helpful builder method for setting the label.
    **   someRule <- label:foobar foobar
    ** Note the same rule definition may have multiple / different labels when used in different parts of PEG grammar.  
    ** Only rules with labels (or names) appear in debug output and the output tree.
    ** Should be a legal Fantom identifier (think variable names!).
    This withLabel(Str? label) {
        this.label = label
        return this

    ** A helpful builder method for turning debug off.
    ** In PEG grammar, rules are excluded from debug by add a hyphen suffix to the declaration.
    **   noDebugRule-  = foobar foobar
    This debugOff() {
        this.debug = false
        return this
    ** A helpful builder method for removing this rule from tree results.
    ** In PEG grammar, rules are excluded from results by add a hyphen prefix to the declaration.
    **   -excludedRule  = foobar foobar
    This excludeFromResults() {
        this.useInResult = false
        return this
    ** Matches this rule against the given string.
    ** See `Peg.match`
    Match? match(Str str) {
        Peg(str, this).match
    virtual Str typeName() {
        // if converting doProcess() to processFn then THIS method will need to be converted to another field 
        name :=
        return name.endsWith("Rule") ? name[0..<-4] : name

    @Operator @NoDoc
    virtual This add(Rule rule) {
        throw Err("${typeof.qname} does not support add()")
    ** Returns the PEG expression for this rule. Example:
    **   [a-zA-Z0-9]
    abstract Str _expression()
    internal Str _dis() {
        dis := name == null && (this is SequenceRule || this is FirstOfRule)
            ? "(" + _expression + ")"
            : (name ?: _expression)
        return _labelDis + dis

    internal Str _labelDis() {
        label == null ? "" : label + ":"
    override Str toStr() { definition }