** Thrown when Sass compilation fails.
const class SassCompilationErr : Err {

    ** Numeric status code as returned by the libsass compiler.
    const Int status

    ** Name of the input file that caused issues.
    const Str fileName

    ** Line number of the input that caused the compilation error.
    const Int line

    ** Column number of the input that caused the compilation error.
    const Int column

    ** JSON representation of the error message.
    const Str json;

    new make(Int status, Str msg, Str filename, Int line, Int column, Str json) : super("[${fileName}:${line}:${column}] ${msg}") {
        this.status     = status
        this.fileName   = filename
        this.line       = line
        this.column     = column
        this.json       = json