** Sent on a `WebSocket` message event.
class MsgEvent {
    ** Set in a text message.
    Str? txt
    ** Set in a binary message.
    Buf? buf
    internal new make(|This|in) { in(this) }
    override Str toStr() {
        txt == null ? "Binary - $buf" : "Text - $txt"

** Sent on a `WebSocket` close event.
const class CloseEvent {
    ** Returns 'true' if the connection was closed cleanly.
    const Bool wasClean

    ** The WebSocket connection close code provided by the server.
    ** Returns 'null' if the connection was not closed cleanly.
    const Int? code

    ** The WebSocket connection close reason provided by the server.
    ** Returns 'null' if the connection was not closed cleanly.
    const Str? reason

    internal new make(|This|in) { in(this) }
    internal Void writeFrame(WebSocket webSocket) {
        webSock := (WebSocketFan) webSocket
        webSock.readyState = ReadyState.closing
        // this writeFrame() method is always called within the context of "WebSocketFan" - so no JS
        frame := Frame.makeCloseFrame(code, reason)
        try webSock.writeFrame(frame)
        catch { /* meh */ }
    override Str toStr() {
        str := (wasClean ? "Clean" : "Unclean") + " close"
        if (code != null) {
            str += " - ${code}"
            if (reason.trimToNull != null && reason.trim != "null")
                str += ": ${reason}"
        } else
            if (reason.trimToNull != null && reason.trim != "null")
                str += " - ${reason}"
        return str