// Copyright (c) 2016, Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   26 Sep 2016  Andy Frank  Creation

using concurrent

** DaemonSupervisor manages starting, stopping, and monitoring
** `Daemon` instances.
const class DaemonSupervisor
  ** It-block constructor.
  new make(|This| f) { f(this) }

  ** Daemons this supervisor is managing.
  const Daemon[] daemons

  ** Start this supervisor and `daemons`.
  Void start()
    // add shutdown hook
    Env.cur.addShutdownHook |->|
      daemons.each |s|
        try { s.send(stopMsg) }
        catch (Err e) { e.trace }

    // start all daemons
    daemons.each |s|
      try { s.send(startMsg) }
      catch (Err e) { e.trace }

  private static const DaemonMsg startMsg := DaemonMsg { it.op="start" }
  private static const DaemonMsg stopMsg  := DaemonMsg { it.op="stop"  }