using xml

** Contains, or links to, the content of an Atom `Entry`.
** @see The [atom:content]`` Element
class Content {
    private static const XNs xmlNs  := XNs("xml", ``)

    ** *(Optional)* 
    ** Used to control how relative URIs are resolved.
    Uri? xmlBase

    ** *(Optional)* 
    ** Used to identify the language of any human readable text.  
    Str? xmlLang
    private Str?        content
    private TextType?   textType
    private MimeType?   mimeType
    private Uri?        src
    private InStream?   binary
    ** The most common case, where the content is identical to a text construct. 
    new makeFromText(Str content, TextType type := TextType.text) {
        this.content    = content
        this.textType   = type

    ** Similar to text.
    ** If the given 'type' ends in '+xml' or '/xml' then the XML is contained inline (like XHTML).
    ** If the given 'type' starts with 'text' the content is XML escaped (like HTML).
    ** Otherwise the content is Base64 encoded.
    new makeFromStr(Str content, MimeType type) {
        this.content    = content
        this.mimeType   = type

    ** The given 'src' represents the URI of where the content can be found.
    new makeFromSrc(Uri src, MimeType? type := null) {
        this.src        = src
        this.mimeType   = type

    ** The content is Base64 encoded.
    new makeFromBinary(InStream binaryContent, MimeType type) {
        this.binary     = binaryContent
        this.mimeType   = type
    ** Creates a '<content>' element.
    virtual XElem toXml() {
        // from Text
        if (this.content != null && textType != null) {
            return Text(this.content, textType) {
                it.xmlLang = this.xmlLang
                it.xmlBase = this.xmlBase

        content := XElem("content")
        if (xmlLang != null)
            content.addAttr("lang", xmlLang.toStr, xmlNs)
        if (xmlBase != null)
            content.addAttr("base", xmlBase.toStr, xmlNs)
        // from Str
        if (this.content != null && mimeType != null) {
            // FUTURE: Fantom 1.0.66 - use MimeType.noParams()  
            mime := "${mimeType.mediaType}/${mimeType.subType}"  
            content.addAttr("type", mimeType.toStr)
            if (mime.endsWith("+xml") || mime.endsWith("/xml")) {

            else if (mime.startsWith("text")) {
            else {
        // from Src
        if (src != null) {
            content.addAttr("src", src.toStr)
            if (mimeType != null)
                content.addAttr("type", mimeType.toStr)
        // from Binary
        if (binary != null && mimeType != null) {
            content.addAttr("type", mimeType.toStr)


        return content