using xml

** Defines a reference from an entry or feed to a Web resource. 
** 'Link' is patterned after html’s [link]`` element.
** @see The [atom:link]`` Element
class Link {
    ** *(Required)*
    ** The URI of the referenced resource (typically a Web page).
    Uri         href
    ** *(Required)* 
    ** Contains the relationship type. It can be a full URI, or one of the following predefined values:
    **  - 'alternate': an alternate representation of the entry or feed, for example a permalink to the html version of the entry, or the front page of the weblog.
    **  - 'enclosure': a related resource which is potentially large in size and might require special handling, for example an audio or video recording.
    **  - 'related': an document related to the entry or feed.
    **  - 'self': the feed itself.
    **  - 'via': the source of the information provided in the entry.
    Str     rel
    ** *(Optional)* 
    ** Indicates the media type of the resource.
    MimeType?   type
    ** *(Optional)* 
    ** Indicates the language of the referenced resource.
    Str?        hreflang
    ** *(Optional)* 
    ** Human readable information about the link, typically for display purposes.
    Str?        title
    ** *(Optional)* 
    ** The length of the resource, in bytes.
    Int?        length
    ** Creates a 'Link' with the required fields.
    new make(Uri href, Str rel := "alternate") {
        this.href   = href
        this.rel    = rel

    ** Creates a '<link>' element.
    virtual XElem toXml() {
        link := XElem("link")
        link.addAttr("href", href.toStr)

        link.addAttr("rel", rel)

        if (type != null)
            link.addAttr("type", type.toStr)

        if (hreflang != null)
            link.addAttr("hreflang", hreflang)

        if (title != null)
            link.addAttr("title", title)

        if (length != null)
            link.addAttr("length", length.toStr)

        return link