using concurrent::Actor
using concurrent::ActorPool
using concurrent::AtomicRef
using concurrent::AtomicBool
using afConcurrent::LocalRef
using web::WebMod
using web::WebReq
using web::WebRes
using afIoc::IocErr
using afIoc::IocShutdownErr
using afIoc::Registry
using afIoc::RegistryMeta
using afIocEnv::IocEnv
using afIocConfig::ConfigSource

** The `web::WebMod` to be passed to [Wisp]``. 
const class BedSheetWebMod : WebMod {
    private const static Log log := Utils.getLog(BedSheetWebMod#)

    @NoDoc @Deprecated { msg="Use 'appName' instead" }
    const Str       moduleName
    ** Returns '' from the application's pod meta, or the pod name if not defined.
    const Str       appName
    ** The port number this Bed App will be listening on. 
    const Int       port

    ** The IoC registry. Can be 'null' if BedSheet has not yet started.
    Registry? registry {
        get { registryRef.val }
        private set { registryRef.val = it }

    ** The Err (if any) that occurred on service startup
    Err? startupErr {
        get { startupErrRef.val }
        private set { startupErrRef.val = it }

    ** When HTTP requests are received when BedSheet is starting up, then this message is returned to the client with a 500 status code.
    ** Defaults to: 'The website is starting up... Please retry in a moment.'
    ** Change it using a ctor it-block:
    **   BedSheetWebMod(reg) {
    **       it.startupMessage = "Computer Says No..."
    **   }
    const Str startupMessage    := "The website is starting up... Please retry in a moment."

    private const AtomicBool    started         := AtomicBool(false)
    private const AtomicRef     startupErrRef   := AtomicRef()
    private const AtomicRef     registryRef     := AtomicRef()
    private const AtomicRef     pipelineRef     := AtomicRef()
    private const AtomicRef     errPrinterRef   := AtomicRef()
    private const IocEnv        iocEnv          := IocEnv()
    private const LocalRef      bobRef          := LocalRef("bedSheetBuilder")

    ** Creates this 'WebMod'. Use 'BedSheetBuilder' to create the 'Registry' instance - it ensures all the options have been set.
    new make(BedSheetBuilder bob, |This|? f := null) {
        pod  := (Pod?)  bob.options[BsConstants.meta_appPod]
        mod  := (Type?) bob.options[BsConstants.meta_appModule]
        this.moduleName = (pod?.name ?: mod?.qname) ?: "UNKNOWN"
        this.appName    = bob.options[BsConstants.meta_appName]
        this.port       = bob.options[BsConstants.meta_appPort]
        // it would be cleaner to just pass in a Registry instance, but because it takes a second 
        // or two to build, we want to handle requests in this period
        this.bobRef.val = bob

    override Void onService() {
        req.mod = this
        // Hey! Why you call us when we're not running, eh!??
        if (!started.val)

        if (queueRequestsOnStartup)
            while ((registry == null || middlewarePipeline == null) && startupErr == null) {
                // 200ms should be un-noticable to humans but a lifetime to a computer!
        // web reqs still come in while we're processing onStart() so dispatch them quickly
        // We used to sleep / queue them up until ready but then, when processing 100s at once, 
        // it was easy to run into race conditions when lazily creating services.
        if ((registry == null || middlewarePipeline == null) && startupErr == null) {
            res := (WebRes) Actor.locals["web.res"]
            res.sendErr(503, startupMessage)

        // rethrow the startup err if one occurred and let Wisp handle it
        if (startupErr != null)
            throw startupErr
        try {
            // this is actual call to BedSheet! 
            // the rest of this class is just startup and error handling fluff! 
        } catch (IocShutdownErr err) {
            // nothing we can do here

        // theoretically, this should have already been dealt with by our ErrMiddleware...
        // ...but it's handy for BedSheet development!
        } catch (Err err) {
            // try to send something to the browser
            errLog := err.traceToStr
            if (registry != null) {
                try {
                    errPrinter := (ErrPrinterStr) registry.serviceById(ErrPrinterStr#.qname)
                    errLog = errPrinter.errToStr(err)
                } catch {}

            // log and throw, because we don't trust Wisp to log it
            if (!webRes.isCommitted)
                webRes.sendErr(500, "${err.typeof} - ${err.msg}")

            throw err

    override Void onStart() {
        started.val = true
        try {
  , port))

            // Go!!!
            bob := (BedSheetBuilder) bobRef.val
            registry = bob.buildRegistry.startup

            // start the destroyer!
            meta := (RegistryMeta) registry.serviceById(RegistryMeta#.qname)
            if (meta.options[BsConstants.meta_pingProxy] == true) {
                pingPort := (Int) meta.options[BsConstants.meta_proxyPort]
                destroyer := (AppDestroyer) registry.autobuild(AppDestroyer#, [ActorPool(), pingPort])

            // print BedSheet connection details
            configSrc := (ConfigSource) registry.dependencyByType(ConfigSource#)
            host := (Uri) configSrc.get(, Uri#)           
  , host))

            // BUGFIX: eager load the middleware pipeline, so we can use the ErrMiddleware
            // otherwise Errs thrown when instantiating middleware end up in limbo
            // Errs from the FileHandler ctor are a prime example
            pipelineRef.val = registry.serviceById(MiddlewarePipeline#.qname)
        } catch (Err err) {
            startupErr = err
            throw err
    override Void onStop() {

    ** Should HTTP requests be queued while BedSheet is starting up? 
    ** It is handy in dev, because it prevents you from constantly refreshing your browser!
    ** But under heavy load in prod, the requests can quickly build up to 100s; so not such a good idea.
    ** Returns 'false' in prod, 'true' otherwise. 
    virtual Bool queueRequestsOnStartup() {
    private MiddlewarePipeline? middlewarePipeline() {
    private static WebRes webRes() {
        try return Actor.locals["web.res"]
        catch (NullErr e) 
            throw Err("No web request active in thread")