const mixinafIoc::DependencyProvider


Implement to provide your own dependency resolution. Extend the capabilities of IoC!

Contribute DependencyProvider instances to the DependencyProviders service.

@Contribute { serviceType=DependencyProviders# }
static Void contributeDependencyProviders(Configuration config) {
    config["myProvider"] = MyProvider()

Note that due to DependencyProviders being instantiated before the Registry is fully loaded, DependencyProviders should not be proxied.

Because service injection is a catch-all provider and throws an Err if a matching service is not found, should you create a DependencyProvider that re-uses the @Inject facet, you should add it before the service provider:

@Contribute { serviceType=DependencyProviders# }
internal static Void contributeDependencyProviders(Configuration config) {
    myProvider := config.autobuild(MyProvider#)
    config.set("acme.myProvider", myProvider).before("afIoc.serviceProvider")

@since 1.1



abstract Bool canProvide(InjectionCtx injectionCtx)

Return true if the provider can provide. (!)

This method exists to allow provide() to return null.



abstract Obj? provide(InjectionCtx injectionCtx)

Return the dependency to be injected. All details of the injection to be performed is in InjectionCtx.