using xml

** Represents the top-level Atom Feed Document.
** @see The [atom:feed]`` Element
class Feed {
    private static const XNs xmlNs  := XNs("xml", ``)

    ** *(Required)* 
    ** Identifies the feed using a universally unique and permanent URI. If you have a long-term, 
    ** renewable lease on your Internet domain name, then you can feel free to use your website’s 
    ** address.
    **   syntax: xml
    **   <id></id>
    Uri         id
    ** *(Required)* 
    ** A human readable title for the feed. Often the same as the title of the associated website. 
    ** This value should not be blank.
    **   syntax: xml
    **   <title>Example, Inc.</title>
    Text        title
    ** *(Required)* Indicates the last time the feed was modified in a significant way.
    **   syntax: xml
    **   <updated>2003-12-13T18:30:02Z</updated>
    DateTime    updated
    ** *(Recommended)* 
    ** Authors of the feed. A feed must contain at least one author element unless all of the entry 
    ** elements contain at least one author element.
    **   syntax: xml
    **   <author>
    **     <name>John Doe</name>
    **     <email></email>
    **     <uri></uri>
    **   </author>
    Person[]    authors         := Person[,]

    ** *(Recommended)* 
    ** Identifies a related Web page. The type of relation is defined by the 'rel' attribute. 
    ** A feed is limited to one 'alternate' per 'type' and 'hreflang'. A feed should contain a link 
    ** back to the feed itself.
    **   syntax: xml
    **   <link rel="self" href="" />
    Link[]      links           := Link[,]
    ** *(Recommended)* 
    ** Entries of the feed.
    Entry[]     entries         := Entry[,]
    ** *(Optional)* 
    ** Specifies a category that the feed belongs to.
    **   syntax: xml
    **   <category term="sports"/>
    Category[]  categories      := Category[,]
    ** *(Optional)* 
    ** Contributors to the feed.
    **   syntax: xml
    **   <contributor>
    **     <name>Jane Doe</name>
    **   </contributor>
    Person[]    contributors    := Person[,]
    ** *(Optional)* 
    ** Identifies a small image which provides iconic visual identification for the feed. 
    ** Icons should be square.
    **   syntax: xml
    **   <icon>/icon.jpg</icon>
    Uri?        icon
    ** *(Optional)* 
    ** Identifies a larger image which provides visual identification for the feed.
    ** Images should be twice as wide as they are tall.
    **   syntax: xml
    **   <logo>/logo.jpg</logo>
    Uri?        logo
    ** *(Optional)* 
    ** Conveys information about rights, e.g. copyrights, held in and over the feed.
    **   syntax: xml
    **   <rights> © 2005 John Doe </rights>
    Text?       rights
    ** *(Optional)* 
    ** Contains a human-readable description or subtitle for the feed.
    **   syntax: xml
    **   <subtitle type="text">all your examples are belong to us</subtitle>
    Text?       subtitle
    ** *(Optional)* 
    ** Identifies the software used to generate the feed, for debugging and other purposes.
    **   syntax: xml
    **   <generator uri="/myblog.php" version="1.0">
    **     Example Toolkit
    **   </generator>
    Generator?  generator
    ** *(Optional)* 
    ** Used to control how relative URIs are resolved.
    Uri? xmlBase

    ** *(Optional)* 
    ** Used to identify the language of any human readable text.  
    Str? xmlLang

    ** Creates a 'Feed' with the required fields.
    new make(Uri id, Text title, DateTime updated) {         = id
        this.title      = title
        this.updated    = updated

    ** Serialises the Atom feed to an XML document.
    XDoc toXml() {
        feed := XElem("feed")
        feed.add(XAttr(XNs("", ``)))

        entries.each {   
        return XDoc(feed)
    internal XElem addMetaData(XElem feed) {
        if (xmlLang != null)
            feed.addAttr("lang", xmlLang.toStr, xmlNs)

        if (xmlBase != null)
            feed.addAttr("base", xmlBase.encode, xmlNs)

        feed.add(XElem("id") {


        if (subtitle != null)
        feed.add(XElem("updated") {
        authors.each { 
        links.each {
        categories.each {
        contributors.each {
        if (icon != null)
            feed.add(XElem("icon") {

        if (logo != null)
            feed.add(XElem("logo") {

        if (rights != null)

        if (generator != null)
        return feed