** Implement on user defined Errs to list available values in the stack trace.   
** This gives the user helpful context when a value could not be found. 
** Typical usage would be:
** pre> 
** syntax: fantom
** const class MyNotFoundErr : Err, NotFoundErr {
**    override const Str?[] availableValues
**    new make(Str msg, Obj?[] availableValues, Err? cause := null) : super(msg, cause) {
**       this.availableValues = { it?.toStr }.sort
**    }
**    override Str toStr() {
**       NotFoundErr.super.toStr
**    }
** }
** <pre
** Which when thrown with: 
**   throw MyNotFoundErr("Could not find a sausage.", ["steak", "hot dog", "burger"])
** Gives a helpful stack trace of:
** pre>
** MyNotFoundErr: Could not find a sausage.
** Available values:
**   burger
**   hot dog
**   steak
** Stack Trace:
**   afTest::Wotever.main (
**   java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (
**   fan.sys.Method.invoke (
**   fan.sys.Method$MethodFunc.callOn (
** (
** (
**   ...
** <pre
** Note that [BedSheet]`` gives special treatment to 
** 'NotFoundErrs' on its standard Err 500 page and lists the available values in its own section.  
const mixin NotFoundErr {

    ** The standard 'Err' msg.
    abstract Str    msg()
    ** A list of values the user could have used chosen.
    abstract Str?[] availableValues()

    ** The msg that prefixes the list of values. 
    ** Defaults to '"Available values:"'. Override to change it.
    virtual Str valueMsg() {
        "Available values:"

    ** Pre-pends the list of available values to the stack trace.
    override Str toStr() {
        buf := StrBuf()
        buf.add("${typeof.qname}: ${msg}\n")
        availableValues.each { buf.add("  $it\n")}
        buf.add("\nStack Trace:")
        return buf.toStr