** A list config values provided by BedSheet. To change their value, override them in your 
** 'AppModule'. Example:
** pre>
** @Contribute { serviceType=ConfigSource# } 
** static Void configureConfigSource(MappedConfig config) {
**   config.addOverride(ConfigIds.gzipThreshold, "my.gzip.threshold", 500)
** }
** <pre
const class ConfigIds {
//  static const Str devMode        := "afBedsheet.devMode"
    ** If a request uri of '/' is received it is automatically routed (internally) to this uri.  
    ** Defaults to '/index', set to 'null' to disable.
    static const Str welcomePage    := "afBedSheet.welcomePage"

    ** If set to 'true' then *all* gzipping is disabled, regardless of other configuration. 
    ** Defaults to 'false'.
    static const Str gzipDisabled   := "afBedSheet.gzip.disabled"

    ** The minimum output stream size, in bytes, before output is compressed using GZIP. Shorter 
    ** streams are not compressed. The default is '376'.
    static const Str gzipThreshold  := "afBedSheet.gzip.threshold"