using util::AbstractMain
using util::Arg
using util::Opt
using web::WebMod
using wisp::WispService

class Main : AbstractMain {
    @Opt { help="Starts a proxy and launches the real web app on (<port> + 1)" }
    private Bool proxy

    @Opt { help="[internal] Starts a thread that periodically pings the proxy to stay alive" }
    private Bool pingProxy

    @Opt { help="[internal] The port the proxy runs under" }
    private Int? pingProxyPort

    @Arg { help="The qname of the AppModule or pod which configures the BedSheet web app" }
    private Str? appModule
    @Arg { help="The HTTP port to run the app on" } 
    private Int port

    override Int run() {
        options := Utils.makeMap(Str#, Obj#)
        options["startProxy"]       = proxy
        options["pingProxy"]        = pingProxy
        options["pingProxyPort"]    = pingProxyPort ?: -1
        mod     := (WebMod) (proxy ? ProxyMod(appModule, port) : BedSheetWebMod(appModule, port ,options))

        // if WISP reports "sys::IOErr Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 10106: create"
        // then check all your ENV vars are being passed to java.
        // see
        willow  := WispService { it.port=this.port; it.root=mod }
        return 0
