using afIoc::Inject
using afIoc::Registry
using afIoc::ThreadStash
using afIoc::ThreadStashManager
using web::Cookie
using web::WebReq
using web::WebRes
using web::WebOutStream

** An injectable 'const' version of [WebRes]`web::WebRes`.
** This is proxied and always refers to the current request
const mixin Response {

    ** Set the HTTP status code for this response.
    ** @see `web::WebRes.statusCode`
    abstract Void setStatusCode(Int statusCode)
    ** Map of HTTP response headers.  You must set all headers before you access out() for the 
    ** first time, which commits the response. Throw an err if response is already committed.
    ** @see `web::WebRes.headers`
    ** @see ``
    abstract Str:Str headers()
    ** Get the list of cookies to set via header fields.  Add a Cookie to this list to set a 
    ** cookie.  Throw Err if response is already committed.
    ** Example:
    **   res.cookies.add(Cookie("foo", "123"))
    **   res.cookies.add(Cookie("persistent", "some val") { maxAge = 3day })
    ** @see `web::WebRes.cookies`
    abstract Cookie[] cookies()

    ** Return true if this response has been commmited.  A committed response has written its 
    ** response headers, and can no longer modify its status code or headers.  A response is 
    ** committed the first time that `out` is called.
    ** @see `web::WebRes.isCommitted`
    abstract Bool isCommitted()
    ** Returns the 'OutStream' for this response. Should current settings allow, the 'OutStream'
    ** is automatically gzipped.
    ** @see `web::WebRes.out`
    abstract OutStream out()
    ** Disables gzip compression for this response
    abstract Void disableGzip()
    ** Send a redirect response to the client using the specified status code and url.
    ** @see `web::WebRes.redirect`
    abstract Void redirect(Uri uri, Int statusCode)


internal const class ResponseImpl : Response {
    private const Registry registry

    private const GzipCompressible gzipCompressible

    @Inject @Config { id="afBedSheet.gzip.disabled" }
    private const Bool gzipDisabled

    private const ThreadStash threadStash

    new make(ThreadStashManager threadStashManager, |This|in) { 
        threadStash = threadStashManager.createStash("Response")

    override Void disableGzip() {
        threadStash["disableGzip"] = true
    override Void setStatusCode(Int statusCode) {
        webRes.statusCode = statusCode

    override Str:Str headers() {

    override Cookie[] cookies() {
    override Bool isCommitted() {

    override OutStream out() {
        // TODO: afIoc 1.3.4 - Could we make a delegate pipeline?
        contentType := webRes.headers["Content-Type"]
        mimeType    := MimeType(contentType, false)
        encodings   := QualityValues(webReq.headers["Accept-encoding"])
        acceptGzip  := encodings.accepts("gzip")
        doGzip      := !gzipDisabled && !threadStash.contains("disableGzip") && acceptGzip && gzipCompressible.isCompressible(mimeType)
        webResOut   := registry.autobuild(WebResOutProxy#)
        bufferedOut := registry.autobuild(BufferedOutStream#, [webResOut])
        gzipOut     := doGzip ? registry.autobuild(GzipOutStream#, [bufferedOut]) : bufferedOut 

        // buffered goes on the inside so content-length is the gzipped size
        return gzipOut

//  scope = perthread
//  OutStream buildResponseOutStream(Type[] delegates) {
//      DelegatePipelineBuilder(OutStream#, delegates)
//  }
    override Void redirect(Uri uri, Int statusCode) {
        webRes.redirect(uri, statusCode)
    private WebReq webReq() {
    private WebRes webRes() {